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Sip on these 5 drinks to stay snug in winter

Who doesn't crave a sip of a warm, tasty drink during the winter chill? If coffee is not your thing, try these immunity-boosting warm drinks.
hydrating drinks
Turmeric milk is one way to include kacchi haldi in your food. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Yashwani Arora Published: 10 Jan 2022, 08:00 am IST
  • 110

The winter chill has been showing no signs of subsiding soon. And while we are waiting to feel the warmth of the sun, all we can do is stay tucked in bed or pile on our winter wear. But there’s one more thing you can do to stay cosy – sip on these warm drinks which will not just comfort you but also give your immunity a much-needed boost.

Dr Priti Nanda, Functional Medicine Expert, Meddo Meddi-Skool, recommends 5 winter beverages can be easily prepared using ingredients like ginger, lemon, honey, clove and more which not only generate heat in the body but also equip you to combat winter allergies and stuffy nose problems.

Also, since winter is a season when we tend to binge on weight-gaining food, some of these beverages even promote weight loss! Let’s dive in.

5 drinks to keep you warm and boost your immunity

1. Turmeric Latte

We all must have heard about haldi doodh! Well, try this turmeric latte twist and thank us for the warmth it brings to your body and to the heart!

Tip: A lot of people have dairy resistance, you can even use coconut milk or almond milk, or camel milk.

Properties of turmeric latte

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  • Anti-inflammatory drink
  • Maintains the warm temperature of the body
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Induces good sleep


  • Turmeric powder or raw
  • Black pepper
  • cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Ginger
  • Honey
  • Nutmeg (optional)
healthy drinks
Drink this shot full of haldi for good health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to prepare:

1. Boil milk and add turmeric powder or raw turmeric
2. Add a pinch of black pepper. It is one of the most important ingredients as, black pepper helps to absorb turmeric.
3. Add one clove
4. A little bit of cinnamon
5. Some ground ginger, it can be dry ginger or normal ginger
6. 2 teaspoons of nutmeg.
7. Boil all this together and add a little honey

2. Badam milk

We all must have had badam milk, especially during summer. When served chilled it beats the summer heat, but during winter it can be of immense importance and beneficial for our immunity.


  • Keeps our body warm
  • Has a good combination of protein and fat
  • Has antioxidant properties


  • Milk (as per the servings)
  • 7-8 Almonds
  • Few strands of saffron.
  • Cardamon

How to prepare warm badam milk:

1. Boil milk
2. Take 5-7 almonds
3. Beat your almonds in stone mortar and pestle
4. Add 2-3 cardamom, and put it in the milk when it is about to boil.
5. Switch off the gas
6. Add saffron to the boiled milk. Saffron is a beautiful spice. 4-5 threads of saffron boost your immunity. It has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-cancer properties, and antidepressant properties.

Tip: Never boil saffron in milk

3. Hot Apple Cider Vinegar

Well, you must be thinking we all have had apple cider vinegar in summer and it is readily available in the market, then how can we add this in winter drinks? But ladies here is the catch. This recipe of apple cider vinegar is warm and cooked with a lot of spices that may not be included in readymade apple cider.


  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Improves digestion
  • Increases metabolism and aids in weight loss
  • Helps in detoxification


  • 7-8 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • Cranberries (optional)
  • Cloves
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 2 Cinnamon sticks
  • Sweetener (honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar )
healthy drinks
Learn about how to cook apple cider vinegar at home. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to prepare:

  1. Take 7 medium apples and peel them ( if you are using organic apples you can use them without peeling it)
    Tip: According to the environmental group committee apples are one of the 12 most toxic foods available. Hence it is a must to peel the apple for this recipe.
  2. Take 1 orange and 1 lemon, peel it and cut it into segments.
  3. Add Cranberries,
  4. Add 2 cinnamon sticks, half teaspoon of cloves, 1-star anees
  5. Add sweetener, coconut sugar, maple syrup, or any other sweetener.
  6. In a big pan take 2-3 liters of water
  7. Boil it, till it becomes 1.5-2 liters
  8. Let it cool down and you can store this in your fridge for about 2 weeks.

4. Ginger and Honey Tea

Ginger is one of the most traditional and alternative medicines used. It has numerous benefits and aids in weight loss and curing winter allergies. It is a must ingredient to add to your kitchen during winter. Moreover, ginger helps in the detoxification of the body.


  • Keep your body warm
  • Keeps you away from cold
  • Improves your immune system and give you energy


  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Raw honey

How to prepare:

  1. Just boil ginger in water
  2. Add a little cinnamon and
  3. Add honey preferable raw honey
Ginger and honey aren’t just good for weight loss, but to ease winter cold! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Hot lemon water

Hot lemon water is an ongoing drink of the year but here it comes with a twist.


  • Increases your Basal Metabolic Rate
  • Keeps your body alkaline
  • In winter, our physical activity decreases and the body detoxification slows down.
  • Hence, it boosts metabolism
  • Aids in weight loss


  • Pepper
  • Sea salt
  • Lemon
  • Honey (optional)

How to prepare:

  1. Take a lemon and boil it in water
  2. Add a little pepper
  3. A little sea salt, further increases our metabolism
  4. Add honey (optional)

Add these drinks to your day for a healthy and cozy winter!

  • 110
About the Author

Yashwani is best described as a voracious reader and ardent writer. She is a techie who enjoys both writing and coding. When she is not engrossed in either of these two, she enjoys exploring new places and trying new foods. ...Read More

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