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Weight loss: Can you consume eggs and paneer at the same time?

Egg and paneer are popular and good sources of high quality protein. But is it healthy to consume them together in the same meal, especially when you are trying to lose weight?!
Monkeypox diet
Eggs are healthy and versatile. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 7 Oct 2021, 08:00 am IST
  • 138

The golden dietary rule to shed kilos is to follow a diet that is less in calories and high in protein. Foods with a combination of low calorie and high protein can simply do wonders for weight loss. I can hear you guessing some names of foods which serve the same purpose. Most of us rely on paneer and eggs for our daily protein intake for weight loss. 

Both egg and paneer are great sources of protein, which plays a crucial role in weight loss as it takes very long to digest, inducing the feeling of satiety. Not just that, it increases the levels of appetite-reducing hormones, making you crave less, thereby aiding weight loss. People who are trying to lose weight already have these foods in their diet and usually consume them on daily or different days. In fact, there are some people who consume both egg and paneer to double the intake of protein. Even if you’re some of them or not, have you ever wondered if eating them together delivers any benefits or not? Well, we are going to answer this for you. 

egg and paneer together for weight loss
Egg and paneer, both are a great sources of protein. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Before that let’s understand how eggs and paneer separately help in weight loss. 

Here’s how paneer or cottage cheese could help in the weight loss process:

Paneer is love for people. It provides instant energy to the body and aids in various bodily functions. When HealthShots spoke to Amreen Shaikh, head dietician and nutritionist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai, she said, “As a source of protein, paneer has to be a part of your daily diet. But make sure you eat healthy dishes such as scrambled paneer, paneer tikka, or any form of pan-fried paneer instead of paneer butter masala or shahi paneer if your aim is to lose weight or gain muscle mass.”

“You can consume paneer in small portions throughout the day without having to worry about gaining weight. Its low level of lactose makes it bearable for some lactose-intolerant people as well, even though not all of them,” she added. 

Remember ladies, Paneer offers a range of health benefits only when consumed in moderation. 

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egg and paneer together for weight loss
Paneer is bae! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here’s how eggs could help in the weight loss process:

Sunday ho ya monday roz khao ande, but many of us worry what if it causes weight gain. Vidhi Chawla, a dietitian and the owner of Fisico Diet Clinic, told HealthShots that despite such concerns, it’s difficult to deny that eggs are one of the most delicious ways to provide your body with much needed nutrition and health. So she explained how eggs are beneficial for weight loss

Here they are:

1. One way to lose weight is to increase your metabolism rate, which will help you burn calories for energy and help you with faster weight loss. That’s because eggs are high in protein, and protein is known to increase metabolism rates. 

Also, read: Weight loss v/s fat loss: What’s the difference and what’s better

2. Eggs are nutrient-dense and filling, making them an excellent diet food. In addition, eggs have a high satiety index, which suggests they may help you feel fuller for longer.

3. Eggs contain a good balance of all of the essential amino acids that your body requires. This means that your body can easily utilise the protein in eggs for maintenance and metabolism. 

egg and paneer together for weight loss
Eggs are pretty much the perfect food! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
So is it healthier to have eggs and paneer in the same meal?

If you’re someone trying to lose weight or build muscle, you would probably know the importance of adding protein rich foods to your diet. So to understand if it’s okay to consume egg and paneer together or not, we reached out to Shabana Parveen, clinical nutritionist, Artemis Hospitals, Gurugram, Delhi.

Also, read: Low carb vs no carb: What’s better for weight loss?

According to the expert, there is no harm in having paneer and eggs together. Both are packed with protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and iron. For vegetarians, paneer is the major source of protein, but non-vegetarians can have both. Being rich in protein, both are good options for weight loss. It reduces your appetite, helps in burning your belly fat. Both get digested by your body slowly and that makes you feel fuller for longer.”

So it’s up to your body’s needs and choices. Overall, you can either consume egg at one time and paneer at another, vice versa or you can have both at the same time but in moderation as the excess of everything can backfire.

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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