Love noshing on fruits? Well, why not! It’s no secret that eating fruits is a healthy habit because they are replete with nutrients. However, apart with eating them the wrong way, excessive consumption of fruits may also take a toll on your health.
Fruits are healthy but that does not mean you can consume them as much as you want. When it comes to daily fruit consumption, it’s imperative for you to pay attention to the types of fruits and their quantity. And as they say, overeating anything is harmful to one’s health. That means you need to stick to a moderate quantity of whatever you eat along with the fruits.
HealthShots spoke to dietitian Hari Lakshmi, Consultant – Dietitian/Nutritionist Motherhood Hospital, Alwarpet, Chennai, about the side effects of the over-consumption of fruits.
We all know the various health benefits of fruits. They are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, potassium, antioxidant properties, and fiber. It is an integral part of a healthy diet and reduces your risk of numerous chronic conditions. “Although it may be hard to believe, consuming too much fruit can also be harmful to you. Fruit contains natural sugar, and some are quite high in calories. Therefore, eating too much fruit can cause health problems for some people,” said Lakshmi.
We know that for good digestion, we need to consume fiber-rich foods. But some side effects of eating a lot of fruits are indigestion due to the high fiber content in fruits. They can also cause diarrhea, bloating, nutrient deficiencies, and other discomforts. Therefore, you should be careful with the quantity you’re consuming.
Consumption of excessive fructose present in most fruits can lead to insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes. This further leads to fat accumulation, which disrupts glucose intolerance and the body’s normal function. Moreover, there is also an increase in blood pressure and uric acid levels.
Also, read: Here are 5 reasons why FRUITS are better than fruits juice
Consuming too much fructose often leads to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Some of the signs and symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea. One of the best ways to overcome this disease is to consume a low-fructose diet, said Lakshmi.
A popular yet unhealthy diet is the fruit diet in which only raw fruits are consumed. This diet prohibits any other food groups such as whole grains, carbs, etc and only allows a few vegetables, nuts, and seeds. The fruit diet lacks essential nutrients like protein, omega 3, vitamin B, calcium, and iron. Further, this diet is extremely unhealthy for people with diabetes, insulin resistance or PCOD, and PCOS.
Also, read: 5 fruits that you tend to peel, but should not!
This does not mean that you should not consume fruits but remember to do it in moderation. “Have at least 2-3 different types and colours of fruits on a daily basis to reap all the health benefits. Consumption of fruits should not be more than two cups per day,” said Lakshmi. Remember that you should have them along with other foods so that your body gets all the necessary nutrients.
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