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Meet thiamine, an important nutrient you NEED to include in your diet

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is essential for your health! Here are food sources of thiamine you need in your diet.
Vitamin B1 rich foods
Vitamin B1 plays a vital role in maintaining good health! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 27 Jun 2021, 11:00 am IST
  • 78

All vitamins are essential for our health. When we say essential, it means that you need to consume vitamins regularly to keep your body strong and avoid diseases. Eating foods rich in vitamins can strengthen your bones, heal wounds and boost the immune system. One such important vitamin that your body needs is vitamin B1.

What is vitamin B1?

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, belongs to the group of B vitamins. Just like the other B vitamins, thiamine is a water-soluble vitamin. It is responsible for effective metabolism, helping the body break down food and turn it into energy. In addition, it also keeps the nervous system healthy.

Here’s why your body needs vitamin B1 nutrient

Your body requires thiamine for maintaining cellular function. Thiamine plays a crucial role in transforming carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy needed for vital functions. In fact, it also assists the body in producing adenosine triphosphate molecules (ATP) which carry energy to all cells in the body.

The functioning of the heart, muscles and nervous system depends on this vitamin. In addition, thiamine is also believed to reduce stress. What’s more, it is a powerful antioxidant and thus, shields the body from harmful free radical damage.

The recommended vitamin B1 daily limit for your body is 1.2 mg. The good news is that various foods can provide you with your daily dose of thiamine! 

Vitamin B1 rich foods
It is one of the most important vitamins that you need to consume to stay healthy! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here are the foods rich in vitamin B1 that you need to add to your diet:
1. Salmon fish

Salmon fish is extremely rich in thiamine. In fact, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), protein and vitamin D. No wonder then that consuming salmon can maintain brain function and improve heart health. It can also help your body heal after an injury, protect bone health and maintain muscle mass.

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2. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is commonly used to improve digestion or relieve constipation. It can even lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and contains a significant amount of vitamin B1. 

Vitamin B1 rich foods
Flaxseeds can also help with weight loss. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Green peas

Green peas are abundant in vitamin B1. What’s more, this vegetable also contains ample amounts of magnesium and potassium, which promote heart health and regulate blood pressure. Peas are also a good source of iron which helps combat fatigue and gives you strength.

4. Yoghurt

Yoghurt contains some quantities of vitamin B1 which can improve the absorption of water by the intestines and thereby, enhance your hydration level. Given that it is a dairy product, yoghurt also contains several other nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. 

5. Pork

You’re sure to consume a healthy dose of vitamin B1 when you eat pork! It is an excellent source of thiamine and protein. Providing the body with two of the most important nutrients.

6. Brown rice

Brown rice is rich in multiple essential nutrients and one of them is vitamin B1. In addition, brown rice is a whole grain that is packed with fibre and magnesium, both of which contribute to stabilising blood sugar levels. 

Vitamin B1 rich foods
Consume brown rice instead of white rice to fullfil the need of vitamin B1 in your body. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
7. Cereal

Cereal is a significant source of protein and a good source of B group vitamins, including thiamine. In fact, it is best to invest in cereal that has been fortified with vitamin B1 to get a boost of the vitamin.


An inadequate diet that doesn’t contain enough vitamin B1 can lead to a deficiency. The symptoms of thiamine deficiency include

  • weight loss
  • muscle weakness
  • short-term memory loss
  • cardiovascular problems

So, ladies, include these foods in your diet to increase the intake of vitamin B1!

  • 78
About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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