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Stay safe from cold and flu by avoiding these 5 foods

When seasons change, the instances of infections such as cold and flu increase. Avoid these foods during changing seasons to avoid falling sick.
yogurt skin care
These 5 foods received a big no-no during changing seasons, according to an expert. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shreya Gupta Published: 30 Oct 2020, 05:58 pm IST
  • 64

Every season has its own unique charm. From the flowery spring and breezy summers to rain-soaked monsoons and chilly winters, there’s one reason or another to look forward to season change. 

As much as we look forward to this transition, the phase in-between seasons quite dreadful due to increased instances of allergies and infections. Dr G Prakash, deputy chief medical officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute, Bangalore, says, “Flu, cold, cough and other virulent infections become rampant during changing seasons. That’s why it is important to keep a check on what we eat during such times to keep ourselves healthy and disease-free.”

So, take a look at 5 things you must avoid during the changing season to maintain good health and strong immunity:

1. Asparagus

“Asparagus is mostly grown during the spring season and it’s best to avoid it during the winters as chances are that it won’t be the best in quality. You may find asparagus being sold during the winters but it’ll probably be low on flavour and nutrients which may cause more harm to your body than good,” says Dr Prakash.

2. Caffeinated drinks

Any drink that is caffeinated, like your favourite cup of coffee or energy drinks, will be a mild diuretic in nature. This increases the frequency of urination which causes dehydration. Moreover, it increases the mucus and dryness in your throat which can cause nose and throat congestion leading to breathing difficulties.

foods to avoid during changing season
Ditch that cup of coffee! Image courtesy: GIPHY

Also, read: Changing season got you sick? 6 things you can do to ease your flu symptoms

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3. Fried Foods

“Even though winters are known to be that period during the year where you crave for hot fried food, it’s best to refrain from them,” says Dr Prakash. Fried foods are high in saturated fats and not very easy to digest. Overconsumption of fried foods can often lead to diarrhoea, indigestion and various other health issues. So, it is best to avoid them during the changing season as it can make your situation worse.

4. Berries

Fruits like blueberries, strawberries are really very hard to resist. However, Dr Prakash says, “It’s best to stay away from them during the winters. Since berries are not grown during the winters, you’ll probably find berries that are low in nutritional content.”

foods to avoid during changing season
It’s time to bask in the antioxidant-power of berries. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
5. Dairy Products

Dr Prakash suggests avoiding any kind of dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, cream or even milk. He says, “It is best for you to avoid consumption of any dairy products during winters or during the time of weather transition. The reason being that consumption of dairy products may increase mucus and further worsen symptoms cold. It can even lead to indigestion.”

Keep yourself and your family away from these foods to enjoy the changing seasons without falling sick!

  • 64
About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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