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Biotin side effects include low immunity! Here’s all that you need to know about biotin overdose

Biotin side effects can be quite hazardous! So before you include biotin in your daily routine, know what biotin overdose can cause.
side effects of biotin
Too much biotin can bamboozle your body! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Updated: 6 Dec 2023, 02:32 pm IST
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We all want voluminous hair and strong nails. Our stressful lifestyle, though, proves to be a real hurdle. To overcome this hurdle, all you need is biotin! Touted to be a magic pill that can resolve all your beauty issues, biotin can help you boost your hair health and nail growth. However, there are some side effects of biotin that you must be aware of.

It has become a trend to take large doses of the vitamin with the intention of achieving results faster. Unfortunately, this actually creates health problems. Hence, it is important to know everything about the side effects of biotin before taking supplements. 

Biotin belongs to the family of vitamin B. Also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, it is a water-soluble vitamin. Biotin is a component of enzymes in our body that help in breaking down fats and carbohydrates, converting them into energy. The thing is that our body doesn’t store water-soluble vitamins and hence, we need to attain them from our food.

Here’s why you must include biotin in your diet

Taking a biotin supplement can help your hair as well as other areas of your body. According to nutritionist Manisha Chopra, biotin is essential for various things in the body.

Metabolic processes such as the production of glucose and fatty acids in our body are aided by biotin. Besides this, it helps in keeping our hair, skin, eyes, liver, nails and nervous system healthy. It also regulates blood sugar levels, helps embryonic growth during pregnancy, reduces inflammation, increases good cholesterol in the body and improves cognitive function.

side effects of biotin
Biotin can be the solution to all your hair woes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Ditch the biotin supplements for natural sources of the vitamin

Some biotin-rich foods are eggs, nuts, fish, sweet potatoes, soybeans, whole grains, mushrooms, bananas, cauliflower, seeds and meat. Peanuts, walnuts, milk and cereals also include biotin in small amounts. 

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Beware of biotin overdose! Here are 7 most common side effects of biotin:

1. Weakens immunity

Too much biotin can lower vitamin C levels. That can weaken immunity. This study published in American Journal of Physiology suggests that immunity can be hampered by too much biotin.

2. Elevates blood sugar

It can also lead to high blood sugar levels which can prove to be dangerous for people with diabetes. This study, published in Frontiers in Nutrition, says that it influences lipid levels and blood glucose levels.

3. Affects neurological system

Too much biotin can lower vitamin B6 levels in the body. This can, in turn, impact the neurological system, which can prove to be very dangerous for the body.

4. Lead to rashes

If you feel that all biotin can do is make your skin glow, you must understand all the side effects of biotin. Instead of making your skin flawless, an overdose of biotin can lead to skin rashes.

side effects of biotin
Too much biotin can wreck your skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Impact the liver

Too much biotin can also lead to problems with insulin release. This, in turn, can interfere with the functioning of your liver, and that will effect other processes in the body.

6. Lead to digestion and kidney problems

You can end up with digestion problems that can lead to gut-related problems. If you are wondering if biotin is safe for your kidneys, then you should know that too much biotin leads to excessive urine production. This means that your kidneys will be burdened.

Biotin is fairly safe but an overdose can lead to a multitude of side-effects. Hence, the dosage is the most critical part. The recommended daily dosage for adults is 30 micrograms. If a woman is lactating, 35 micrograms is good enough,” said Manisha Chopra.

So, ladies, make it a point to include biotin in your diet but remember that too much of anything can be harmful! And these side effects of biotin are proof.

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Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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