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Nosh on these 5 pre-workout foods to boost your stamina and see fast results

The right foods before exercising can drastically boost your performance. Here are some pre-workout foods you should try before you hit the gym.
pre-workout foods
Learn how the right foods can help you accelerate your workouts, and achieve the desired fitness goals. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Published: 2 Feb 2021, 11:00 am IST
  • 80

Choosing the right pre-workout foods is as important as exercising, because it will fill you with energy and help you reach your desired fitness goals.  Ensure that you have a snack or a drink, at least one to three hours before your workout and not immediately before the exercise session. This is because more blood goes to your muscles during exercise, leaving less time for digestion.

An effective pre-workout food should have a substantial dose of macronutrients. Macronutrients are dietary compounds that the body needs in large quantities to function optimally. These could be in the form of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Hence, we present to you five foods to consume before you hit the gym, in order to maximise your workouts.

  1. Boiled eggs

Besides being rich in proteins, eggs contain essential nutrients and minerals such as vitamin D, folate, riboflavin (Vitamin B2), and selenium. They also contain vitamins A, E, B5, B12, as well as iron, iodine and phosphorus.  Eggs provide us with very high-quality protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in the right amounts needed by the body for optimum growth and maintenance.

  1. Banana and almond smoothie

Bananas provide some of the most critical nutrients that our body needs. One such nutrient is potassium, which is a vital mineral and electrolyte that carries a small electrical charge in our bodies. This charge triggers nerve cells to send out signals to the heart to beat regularly, and muscles to contract, helping you exert more energy. Almonds are also healthy, because they are rich in fibre, protein, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.

pre-workout foods
Allow this banana-almond smoothie to give you your daily dose of nutrition. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
  1. Oatmeal and yoghurt

This snacking option is full of proteins, antioxidants, calcium and fibre that helps you stay full for a longer duration of time. It also helps to manage weight effectively, because the complex carbs in oatmeal are broken down in your system slowly, providing you with sustained energy levels. The yoghurt supplements the oats, both in terms of taste and health, and helps in building immunity, aids digestion and makes the bones stronger.

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  1. Avocados

Avocados are rich in unsaturated fats and contain potassium, vitamin B and K and fibre, thereby helping you stay full for longer durations of time.They also provide you with energy levels to work out in an intense manner.

  1. Nuts and seeds

Almonds and cashews contain high amounts of magnesium, and also offer monounsaturated fats that improve blood sugar levels, aiding in high-intensity training. Seeds such as flax, pumpkin and chia are a rich source of iron and omega-3 fatty acids that can help increase the movement of oxygen into skeletal muscle, when you exercise.

So, ladies, fitness is all about striking the perfect balance between exercising and eating right. Try out these pre-workout foods before you hit the gym to enhance your results. 

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About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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