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Lemonade or apple cider vinegar: What’s a better choice for weight loss?

You have been gulping down these weight loss drinks, lemon water, and apple cider vinegar. But is one better than the other? Let's break down what's better.
lemonade an electrolyte drink
Lemonade can refresh and energize you like no other! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 26 Apr 2022, 03:33 pm IST
  • 158

When it comes to weight-loss drinks, the two names that come to our mind first are; lemon water and apple cider vinegar (ACV). Some start their day with one of these drinks to kick start their weight-loss routine for the day. They help to detox the body and are power-packed with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. But have you ever wondered if one is better than the other? Or is there any difference between lemon water and apple cider vinegar? Well, there’s a difference!

But before we get to that, let’s find out a little about how both drinks are beneficial for you. And to find out, Health Shots spoke to dietitian Hari Lakshmi, Consultant – Dietitian/Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospitals, Chennai.

lemon water and apple cider vinegar
Lemon water can help to boost your weight loss journey. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Health benefits of drinking lemon water

Lemons are a wonderful source of vitamin C which is a primary antioxidant that helps to protect your cells from damaging free radicals. Vitamin C is also beneficial for your heart as it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Lemon water is also known to be helpful in digestion by acting as a morning laxative and helps in preventing constipation. That is why many people prefer to have it in the morning as it helps jump start the digestive system and prevents build up of toxins in the body. It is also good for strengthening the immune system.

Health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

For many, apple cider vinegar is a go-to drink for weight loss. Lakshmi said, “Apple cider vinegar has several health benefits as well. It helps control blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar has shown great potential in improving insulin sensitivity and it helps lower your blood sugar responses after meals.” There are also studies that show apple cider vinegar to be helpful in weight loss. However, it is important to remember that only adding apple cider vinegar to your diet won’t help reduce your weight. There should also be proper diet and exercise habits as well to see visible changes.

Also, read: Besan or suji: What’s better for weight loss? An expert answers

Is one better than another for weight loss?

Lemon water and apple cider vinegar have similar health benefits. Therefore, people are often confused about which one of the two they should go for. If you are just starting out on your weight-loss journey, lemon water would be the better option. It is gentler on your gut health and does not induce reactions like acidity in people who are sensitive. Its fresh flavour makes it easy to include in your diet and makes a habit of drinking it.

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lemon water and apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a superfood that not only lowers your blood sugar levels, but also help in detox. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“If you opt to go for apple cider vinegar, remember to dilute and then consume it. It can sometimes be too potent for people with health issues and sensitive digestive systems,” said Lakshmi.

While these drinks may help you in weight loss, they should not be your one-stop solution. You should always have a healthy diet and regular exercise routine to actually make some progress in reducing your weight.

“Also, remember regular consumption of acidic drinks like lemon water and apple cider vinegar can harm the enamel of your teeth. Whichever option you go for, do not overdo it. Consume them in moderation,” informed Lakshmi.

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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