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Don’t hate potatoes! Here are 3 reasons why they are great for your heart health

Potatoes are not all bad. Read to find out 3 reasons why potatoes are great for your cardiovascular health.
potato for heart health
Even potatoes can be good for your heart! Image courtesy; Shutterstock
Manasvi Jain Published: 23 Sep 2022, 12:15 pm IST
  • 197

Potatoes have always been the food surrounded by many misconceptions. Whether it is the talk about how potatoes make you gain weight or how they are bad for you if you are a heart patient. Well, we are here to debunk this myth and tell you that potatoes are great for the heart patients!

Any vegetable, if eaten, after frying is unhealthy for you and same goes for potatoes. But boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, when eaten in a limited quantity are a great way to include them in your diet and enjoy its benefits.

potato for heart
Bake and make your potato delicacies to enjoy its benefits! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“Your diet plays a crucial role in the process of keeping your heart healthy apart from doing exercises. When one talks about diet, certain foods have been considered good for your heart health. Usually, foods that are highly processed filled with unhealthy fats, sodium and sugar need to be avoided,” says Avni Kaul, a nutritionist.

While certain foods are considered good for heart health, potatoes are one of them. But this conclusion was reached after a study was done with regards to potatoes on heart health.

Reasons that make potatoes good for heart patients are:

1. Lowers blood pressure

“Potatoes are rich in potassium, which assists lower blood pressure,” says Kaul. Potassium is one of the most essential minerals needed for the functioning of the heart. Potassium helps the heart in pumping blood through the body and basically keeps the heart beating. So, potatoes help in keeping the blood pressure in control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

potatoes for blood pressure
Potassium in potatoes keep your blood pressure in check! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Reduces levels of bad cholesterol

Kaul says, “Potatoes are also filled with soluble fiber, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease.” Several studies have proven that foods rich in soluble fibre helps in reducing the levels of LDL also known as bad cholesterol.

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potatoes to lower cholesterol
Potatoes help in reducing the bad cholesterol! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Boosts cardiovascular health

“Potatoes also contain nutrients that contribute to a dietary pattern that can reduce blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health, including magnesium, niacin, vitamin C, and vitamin B6,” says Kaul. Besides, potatoes are limited in sodium content which helps the case.”

This World Heart Day, you must come to friendly terms with potatoes and accept that they are great for your heart health!

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About the Author

Manasvi Jain is a professional writer with a keen interest in spreading awareness about various health and wellness issues through her articles. She writes well researched articles by connecting with various doctors and health experts. ...Read More

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