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Intermittent fasting: Avoid these drinks if you’re on this weight loss diet

Intermittent fasting is a diet that involves eating within a restricted time period. But it also involves limiting certain foods and drinks.
Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting has multiple health benefits. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
Malika Singh Published: 8 Feb 2023, 03:53 pm IST
  • 191

Intermittent Fasting (IF) or time-restricted ways of eating are similar eating styles. They both restrict the eating window time, but intermittent fasting can often also include calorie restrictions to amplify the fat burn. This enables people to create a daily calorie deficit by restricting the quantity of food consumed during the eating window.

The science behind this approach to eating is that fasting for an extended length of time allows our bodies to burn the sugar and calories consumed during the day. Once that is metabolised, it begins to tap into our excess fat reserves for sustenance. This process is frequently known to be “metabolic switching”.

Fasting periods may extend anywhere from 14 hours to a 24-hour fast, and the IF has various methods as the 16:8 or the 5:2. Picking a fasting window that syncs into your circadian rhythm often makes the entire process much easier to adhere to.

intermittent fasting
Avoid these drinks if you are following intermittent diet. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Beverages are often overlooked in our diet and are loaded with calories that can pull you out of your fasting hours quite effortlessly. As a thumb rule, if the beverage is below 50 calories, it’s good to go! But anything over that calories count, triggers an insulin response, signalling your body that you’re out of the fasting window.

Also Read: Effective ways to do intermittent fasting for an improved lifestyle and better metabolism

Drinks to avoid while intermittent fasting

Here are some beverages that you should avoid while intermittent fasting-

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1. Cappuccinos, latte and milk teas

Ingredients like milk and sugar, impact our metabolism and blood sugar levels and are not suitable during fasting hours.

2. Coconut water

Yes! While its very hydrating coconut water contains carbohydrates, that can end your fasting window.

3. Freshly squeezed juices

Be it vegetable juice or fruit juice, certain of them are high in fructose, averaging anywhere between 8-10 grams of carbohydrates. This quantity of carbohydrates would no longer keep you fasting; nevertheless, fruit and vegetable juices may be consumed during the meal periods instead of during the fasting hour.

Avoid these drinks if you are following intermittent fasting. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

4. Energy/sports drinks and sodas

You might believe that consuming these beverages while fasting will simply increase your energy levels. But since they are filled with calories and artificial sweeteners, they break your fast.

5. Protein powder

Protein powder comprises amino acids that trigger an increase in insulin levels, breaking a fast.

6. Gummy multivitamins

These frequently contain minimal quantities of protein, glucose, and occasionally fatty acids, which, once again, can interfere with your fasting period.

Drinks you can include in intermittent fasting

Some drinks that you can include in your fasting window are:

  • Water: Plain or sparkling water. It contains no calories and will keep you hydrated during your fast.
  • Hot water with lemon and ginger: It is the best drink for someone trying to keep their blood sugar levels in check. It contains no calories or sweeteners that could cause a spike in insulin levels. It is also good for digestion as it promotes regular bowel movements.
  • Black tea and coffee: with minimal to preferably no milk.
  • Diluted apple cider vinegar: Adding 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your water will help you keep refreshed and reduce hunger cravings throughout your fast.
apple cider vinegar
Drinking apple cider vinegar on intermittent fasting is healthy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
  • Healthy fats like MCT oil- Coconut oil, ghee, or butter may be added in small amounts to your tea or coffee. This is a tricky one, so read the nutritional labels to gauge calories per spoon!

Also Read: Have these 5 weight loss drinks on an empty stomach and shed those kilos

There is no doubt that intermittent fasting is probably the most trending way of eating. Research suggests that it may benefit heart health, reduce inflammation, and improve cell repair processes, but it is not suitable for everyone. Follow an eating pattern that is sustainable for you in the long run. Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle change as opposed to a short-term diet.

Stay consistent, eat clean and add movement. Make these your daily non-negotiables!

  • 191
About the Author

Malika Singh, a certified Integrative Nutrition & Health Coach, with expertise on sustainable lifestyle habits, power of breathing techniques, weight management (hormonal & unhealthy eating ), brain-food relationship, emotional intelligence, and food psychology.Malika Singh earned her Masters in Work & Organizational Psychology from the University of Nottingham, and has written multiple research papers published in the Journals of "Applied Social Psychology". Her specialty and interest has always been Emotional Intelligence. She has worked with international health & wellbeing platforms such as RoundGlass,situated in Seattle, USA, and Thrive Global, founded by Arianna Huffington's.She has also led a social enterprise called Dialogue in the Dark for the Hong Kong Police Department in Hong Kong.She is also a certified Yoga Instructor, having received recognition from reputable yoga institutes in Singapore, Bali, and India. Her clientele stretches from the Middle East to India. ...Read More

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