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In love with your skin? Preserve your beauty by saying no to these 4 foods

Glowing skin is the dream of many people, and for that, you need to make some effort. Yes, the answer lies in reducing foods that decrease the production in your body. Here’s all you need to know.
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Hormonal fluctuation is responsible for chin pimples. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Geetika Sachdev Published: 18 Aug 2021, 04:26 pm IST
  • 170

If you’ve always been someone who has dreamt of gorgeous and plump-looking skin, collagen should be your BFF. Yes, it’s the protein that is responsible for giving your face a youthful glow, and delaying the signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles. After all, it makes up for about 70% of the skin’s protein. The reason why aging happens is due to the loss of collagen, and while we understand that’s a part of the process, there are certain actions that you can take! By this, we mean that what you eat plays a huge role in the way your skin looks. While there are certain foods that boost the production of collagen; on the other hand, some decline its production and instead, accelerate the ageing process. And you must definitely stay away from them!

So, ready to find out?

1. Fried foods
If you love your skin, make sure you avoid fried foods. That’s because when they are fried in high temperatures, they release free radicals that can further cause cellular damage to the skin. This, in turn, exacerbates the ageing process and affects the skin’s elasticity. Moreover, since most of these foods contain large amounts of salt, they can draw water out from the skin and lead to dehydration. This can make your skin more prone to wrinkles.

foods to avoid during monsoon
Put down those fried foods, now. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. White bread
We all know refined carbs are not good for us, but when they come together with protein, they form Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). In fact, the impact of AGEs can really accelerate the ageing process. Foods like white bread that have a high glycemic index can increase inflammation in the body, which of course, impacts the ageing process. You can try out a healthier alternative to white bread.

3. White sugar
Once again, we cannot lay enough emphasis on how sugar can wreak damage on our bodies, and also our skin. They also contribute to the formation of collagen-damaging AGEs. Its action increases when sunlight is involved. Don’t understand what we are saying? Well, for instance, if you are having ice-cream at the beach, go for a popsicle with no sugar. Otherwise too, try going for fruit or dark chocolate, when you want something sweet.

Sugar can destroy the health of your skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Processed meats
Don’t we all love hot dogs, bacon or sausages? But if you want your skin to be healthy and in good shape, then try to eat them in moderation. That’s because these meats are loaded in sodium, saturated fats and sulfite, all of which can dehydrate the skin and weaken collagen. They can cause inflammation in the body, and also your skin. Instead, choose lean meats like turkey and chicken.

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About the Author

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town. ...Read More

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