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Know how a healthy lifestyle and diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer

A healthy lifestyle and nutrition for breast cancer holds so much importance. Here's how they can help manage the disease.
nutrition for breast cancer
Breast cancer treatment needs efforts from you too. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Dr Varun Koul Published: 30 Oct 2022, 12:00 pm IST
  • 168

Although it is broadly claimed that breast cancer is only a crisis in the Western world, the stark reality is that it ranks as the most common cancer in the whole world. Breast cancer is the most pervasive type of cancer in women, accounting for 14 percent of cancers in Indian women. An Indian woman is identified with breast cancer every four minutes, according to medical survey data. However, it has been found that a healthy lifestyle and nutrition for breast cancer patients are of great importance.

How to lower the risk of breast cancer?

The phrase breast cancer survivors refers to women who have been diagnosed with cancer and have gone through rehabilitation. If you have or have had breast cancer, you likely want to find out whether there are things you can do apart from medication to reduce your probability of cancer developing or returning, such as adopting a certain lifestyle or consuming a specific diet. Breast cancer, luckily, is among the most well-studied types of tumours in this respect, and several studies have revealed that good nutrition and exercise can help you regain your health.

nutrition for breast cancer
Do workout after breast cancer surgery. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Importance of “being physically active” for breast cancer patient

There is a connection between maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index – both before and after diagnosis – and surviving breast cancer. It is highly recommended that if you have survived breast cancer, you maintain a healthy weight to decrease your risk. A large body of research indicates that being overweight or obese elevates the danger of recurrent breast cancer. It has also been associated with a greater risk of developing lymphedema and dying from breast cancer. However, there are other factors as well that may illustrate why women who are overweight or obese have a higher probability of dying from the disease.

Importance of “nutrition or a healthy diet” for breast cancer patient

Diet has a substantial impact on any given disease. Nevertheless, the majority of research on the potential link between diet and the threat of recurrent breast cancer has focused on broad dietary habits instead of specific foods. It is advised to consume a high-protein diet after surgery because your body will require more of it than usual. The body requires it to rebuild cells, fight infection, and heal wounds.

Also read: Sexual dissatisfaction common in breast cancer patients: Treatments to improve intimacy

Add these 3 nutrients to your diet to fight breast cancer:

1. Fibre: Women who consume more fiber-rich foods, both prior to and after diagnosis, may have a lower chance of dying from breast cancer.

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2. Soy products (protein): Breast cancer survivors who consume more soy food products after being diagnosed might be a lower death percentage from the ailment.

nutrition for breast cancer
Befriend soy for good health! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Healthy fats: Women consuming a diet high in fat prior to actually developing breast cancer may be at higher risk of mortality after an assessment.

Foods to avoid with breast cancer:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol because it may interact with post-recovery drugs.
  • Spicy and acidic meals may aggravate mouth soreness, a common complication of chemotherapy.
  • Avoid eating raw or under-cooked foods since they can maximize the risk of infection.
  • Avoid intake of processed and refined carbohydrates.
  • Sugar consumption should also be reduced.


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About the Author

Dr Varun Koul, VP - Medical Directorate, Glamyo Health ...Read More

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