Have you recently gained weight? Do you frequently feel sluggish, tired, or stressed? If this is the case, it’s possible that you’re deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D, commonly known as the sunshine vitamin, is necessary for maintaining a healthy weight, preventing kidney and liver issues, and improving muscle and bone health. Along with this, vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of many other nutrients, the immune system, and protection against the effects of Covid-19. Have you ever considered how to improve your vitamin D absorption? Well, according to a new study, water and milk can help you boost your vitamin D absorption. Let’s read more about it.
A randomized trial was done on 30 postmenopausal women aged 60-80 who were vitamin D deficient, according to new research presented at the 24th European Congress of Endocrinology in Milan.
The study then continually examines changes in blood concentration after the consumption of food products containing 200 g D3. In random order, the trial participants received 500 ml of water, milk, juice, juice with vitamin D to whey protein isolate, and 500 ml of water without vitamin D (placebo). On each trial day, blood samples were taken at 0 hours, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours.
Milk and water were shown to be equally effective and to be the most efficient options for enhancing vitamin D absorption.
We already know that soaking up the sun may not be enough for your vitamin D needs. According to an expert, there are many factors that can block vitamin D absorption in your body.
Dr Swathi Reddy (PT), Consultant Physiotherapist and certified diet counselor and MIAP, Motherhood Hospitals, Bengaluru, spoke to Health Shots about the factors that can block absorption.
1. Liver issues: Patients with liver cirrhosis can suffer from severe vitamin D deficiency. However, patients with mild liver issues are also at risk.
2. Kidney issues: If you have kidney disease, you may also suffer from vitamin D deficiency because poor kidney health can make it difficult to absorb vitamin D.
3. Increased intake of caffeine: Any food containing caffeine can reduce your body’s ability to absorb vitamin D.
4. Drugs: Oral steroids and diuretic drugs can also limit vitamin D absorption in the body.
5. Weight loss treatment: Weight loss surgery such as bariatric surgery can result in multiple nutritional deficiencies, including vitamin D by reducing its absorption in the body.
6. Poor gut health: The absorption of vitamin D depends on your stomach’s function. So when your stomach is not working correctly, your vitamin D absorption decreases.
7. Body mass index over 29: Obese or overweight people need more vitamin D. In fact, vitamin D deficiency can result in weight gain. If you are overweight, your body can restrict the absorption of vitamin D.
Follow these tips and you’ll be able to uplift your vitamin D absorption!
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