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9 tricks to keep your mind off from craving while you diet

Are you dieting but craving for chocolate? Or is it that you want something sweet? Maybe junk food? You need to stop right here, and try out these tips to say no to unwanted cravings.
overnight weight gain
Crash dieting can give you quick, but not sustainable results. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 11 Aug 2021, 07:10 pm IST
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Craving for all the delicious, cheese-laden and sugary food, while dieting? Well, that comes as no surprise. It is quite common to have junk food cravings, especially when you are trying to maintain a healthy diet. In fact, these cravings make you reach out to sweet, fat and salty foods. And trust us, falling for your cravings can waste all the effort that you put in.  

If this sounds like you, raise your hand right away! Well, no worries. We’ve got a fix for your cravings in the form of certain tips that can help you overcome your cravings. No, we are not kidding!

These are some ways in which you can put a full stop on your cravings:
1. Increase protein intake

A low-protein diet can be the culprit behind your increased cravings. You need protein for the production of high-quality hormones that prevent blood sugar imbalance and reduce sugar. It also helps you feel full and satiated for longer. Make sure to also consume foods which are high in fibre, because they are healthy and also a good source of energy. 

ways to control cravings during dieting
A high-protein diet can help in dieting to curb the craving. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Sources of good protein are eggs, chicken, fish milk, nuts, and paneer. Sources of good fats are ghee, seeds, fatty fish, and olive oil. 

2. Take the help of chewing gum

To keep junk food cravings at bay, try and have chewing gum. It keeps your mouth busy, and can help reduce both sweet and salt cravings. 

3. Drink plenty of water

Thirst is often mistaken as hunger. Staying hydrated is a great way to help reduce extreme cravings. Drinking water before meals may reduce cravings and appetite as well as help with weight loss. So, quench your thirst and your cravings will disappear.

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ways to control cravings during dieting
Chug down that glass of water if you want to lose those inches. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
4. Avoid stress

Certain emotions including stress, sadness, and boredom can increase cravings for all the wrong foods. In fact, stress raises the levels of cortisol, a hormone that can make you gain weight. So do your best to reduce your stress levels. You can take a small walk to avoid cravings, practice breathing exercises to reduce stress or can watch movies, which will distract your attention from stressors.  

Also, read: Can’t control your cravings? Try this makki ka paratha to satiate your taste buds minus the guilt

5. No crash diets

Don’t starve yourself, because it increases sugar cravings. And in fact, instead of losing weight, you will gain extra kilos. It is very important to have your meal on time in order to reduce your cravings, although if you still feel like eating something sweet, go for natural sugars like bananas, apples, or grapes. 

6. Get sufficient sleep

A 2013 study found that not getting enough sleep could alter the body’s hormone balance. This imbalance may contribute to food cravings and overeating. So, sleep on time and wake up on time and eat meals at the same time daily. 

ways to control cravings during dieting
Your body needs a good night’s sleep to stay recharged. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
7. Plan your meals for the day

When you are dieting, you are more likely to think about what you are going to eat next. But by already knowing what you’re going to eat, you can eliminate the factor of uncertainty. 

Also, read: Looking for a healthy snack? Try this kamal kakdi chips recipe and satiate your cravings

Plus, make your meals interesting by having satiating snacks. It could be anything like a cup of curd, a handful of almonds, a handful of makhanas, or maybe roasted chana, etc. 

8. Eat a balanced diet

You might crave unhealthy foods, while dieting. But if you eat a healthy diet and maintain the nutritional balance in your body, you won’t crave junk foods as much. Along with that, eat food at regular intervals and keep your meal portions small. 

9. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Do you get disappointed with yourself when you cheat on your diet? Well, it’s okay to indulge once in a while! You shouldn’t feel hopeless, thinking you’ve wasted all your efforts. In fact, allowing yourself little indulgences can encourage you to continue with your diet. So, make sure you eat at least one of your favourite meals or snacks this week.

So, deal with your cravings with these tips and continue with your diet without any distractions. 

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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