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With the lightning fast lifestyles that we’re living, getting in shape has become pretty grinding! It takes a good diet, strength, patience and a huge amount of willpower to achieve the results. After all, weight loss is not a sprint, but more of a marathon, they say!
While the Internet is stuffed with information about weight loss, it becomes difficult for one to decide their beginning of their journey. People around us also add to that pressure by advertising unscientific ways of getting quick weight loss results.
Before jumping on to the bandwagon, you must know that exercise has just 30 percent contribution to your fitness, while your diet takes up the major share. And, the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of losing weight is cutting down on your diet. In all probability, what a lot of people start doing is starving yourself by skipping your meals.
Nidhi Mohan Kamal, a nutritionist, took to Instagram to quash the claims of losing weight faster. Kamal says in an Instagram Reel, “Christmas is here and New Year is here and this is also a season for weight loss resolutions! You’re gonna be bombarded with messages of losing 10 kilos in 10 days. How much is practically possible?”
Also Read: Weight loss v/s fat loss: What’s the difference and what’s better
Warning people to steer away from fitness boasters, Kamal says, “Anyone promising more weight loss that this is lying!”
Watch her reel!
Therefore, when talking about weight loss, one must always keep a watch on total calories and follow a workout routine. Fad diets followed in an unscientific manner can never lead to sustained loss in weight. In fact, such extreme unsupervised diets can have serious side effects and lead to health issues. One must consult a nutritionist and fitness expert before starting any such diet, and any plan for weight loss must be done under supervision.
This holiday season, do not fall into the pressure of fast weight loss and stay away from the trap of fad diets and slimming teas! Know what you’re putting inside your body and embark on a healthy lifestyle.
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