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Is it important to leave alcohol to lose weight? Not if you follow Pooja Makhija’s advice

If you are someone who doesn't want to give up alcohol but still want to lose weight, then you must follow these simple hacks suggested by Pooja Makhija.
drinking hacks to lose weight
These tips will help you lose weight without giving up alcohol. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 18 Jul 2021, 10:00 am IST
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Booze and weight loss don’t usually mix as seamlessly as vodka and club soda. Although there are various reasons why drinking alcohol can impede weight loss, a glass of wine after a hard day at work is what so many of us crave. Even though we know that drinking alcohol can cause weight gain, we still find healthy ways to continue drinking, while avoiding weight gain. 

Drinking alcohol in excess can cause fat accumulation and water retention. So, what’s the solution? Well, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy a few drinks while powering towards your weight loss goal if you tap into some useful drinking strategies. 

To help you with this dilemma, celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija, in her recent Instagram post, shared some simple hacks to reduce the damage after drinking alcohol, and manage your weight.

She wrote: ‘It was a business meeting, I had to take a drink’

‘My best friend’s birthday, everyone was on my case’

‘It was new year’s!’

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‘I was on holiday man’

Check out her post here:
Pooja Makhija offers three pieces of advice on how you can drink without worrying about weight gain:
1. Add a healthy substitute

Alcohol is already high in calories as it is full of sugar therefore, we often crave salty foods on the side. Try to choose healthy substitutes like salted chana, makhana or baked chips. Also, try avoiding fried foods as it will compound the calorie intake. 

Also read: Is it safe to drink alcohol after getting the Covid-19 vaccine? Let’s find out

2. Alternate water with alcohol

Alternate every alcoholic drink with water. The rule is to have at least twice as much water for every drink you take. This way you end up drinking less alcohol, plus you will stay hydrated at the same time. In fact, if you follow this technique then you can avoid hangovers and flush out toxins from your body. 

3. Have dinner early

Lastly, she suggests having your dinner early because alcohol lowers our inhibitions and makes us hungry, and we tend to eat more food of the wrong kind. So, have your dinner early if you’re going to drink alcohol, as it will help you stay full, drink less and absorb the alcohol better.   

So ladies, try these tips next time when you are drinking, and avoid alcohol’s damage!

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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