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Tried fruits for fatty liver? Make sure to add these to your diet

Include these fruits for fatty liver in your daily diet. These fruits can also detoxify and cleanse, keeping liver diseases at bay.
Healthy fruits for fatty liver
Add healthy fruits for fatty liver to your diet. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
Written by: Aayushi Gupta
Updated On: 28 Oct 2024, 06:56 pm IST

Liver disease is a growing concern, it is a reversible condition with the right approach. Incorporate these fruits for fatty liver and generally improve liver health, into your daily diet to support overall health. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, eating fruits for a fatty liver has a host of benefits. These fruits also contain antioxidants and fibre, and can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting proper liver function. Eating berries, apples, pears as well as citrus fruits can help you feel better in no time.

What is a fatty liver?

A fatty liver is a condition where excess fat builds up in the liver. A healthy liver contains a small amount of fat. Fatty liver disease occurs when the fat content in your liver exceeds 5% of its weight. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop fatty liver disease. Therefore, a balanced diet, weight loss and exercise can help.

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8 fruits for fatty liver

1. Grapefruit

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, grapefruit boosts antioxidants such as naringin and naringenin, compounds recognized for their ability to combat inflammation and shield the liver from bacteria. In fact, grapefruits also help in repairing liver damage caused by fatty livers.

Grapefruit for liver
Improve your liver health with grapefruit. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Apples

An apple a day might indeed keep liver issues at bay. Apples are rich in soluble fiber, a component known to aid in reducing liver fat and facilitating detoxification processes. Apples are also known to promote digestion and overall well-being. Apples help to reduced fat deposition due to the polyphenols present in it, states this study, published in the journal Animals.

3. Avocado

Avocados is one of the most important fruits for healthy liver, as they are abundant in healthy fats. These fats act as a shield, protecting the liver from potential damage. Including avocados in your diet can also be great for heart health and may prevent osteoporosis. A study, published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, states that avocado oil alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Also read: Australia warns about turmeric supplements: Should you stop taking haldi to avoid liver injury?

4. Berries

Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are laden with antioxidants, which actively contribute to supporting liver health. Their regular consumption may aid in maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol while reducing oxidative stress. There are many benefits of mulberries, blueberries, cranberries, grapes that can help you.

There are enough reasons why you must eat berries! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Papaya

Papaya, enriched with vitamins and enzymes, is good for the heart, digestion, and immune system. By aiding in digestion, papaya reduces the workload on the liver and is fruit to detox liver, allowing it to function more efficiently. This tropical fruit can be enjoyed in many ways, such as in salads and smoothies. A study, published in World Journal of Hepatology, states that papaya helps to improve non alcoholic fatty liver disease. The study was done amongst obese rats.

6. Blueberries

Blueberries, packed with health benefits, are a powerhouse of antioxidants. These antioxidants play a pivotal role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver. In fact, a 2019 study published in PubMed Central found that blueberries are linked with reduced liver fibrosis and a lower rate of liver weight gain. By mitigating these factors, blueberries contribute to the overall well-being of the liver.

Also read: Know how the Japanese diet can help you fight fatty liver disease

7. Kiwi

The nutrient-dense kiwi not only boosts the immune system but also supports overall liver health. Its unique combination of vitamins and minerals makes it a valuable addition to a liver-conscious diet. It also contains powerful antioxidants that effectively prevent fatty liver diseases.

kiwi for liver
Kiwi fruit is loaded with health benefits. Image courtesy; Shutterstock

8. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and limes, deliver a potent dose of vitamin C and good immunity. These essential nutrients protect your liver and help in liver detoxification processes. Including citrus fruits in your diet provides a zesty boost for liver health.

Other lifestyle changes that support liver function

Besides eating fruits for fatty liver, there are some other practical and simple steps that you can take to make sure you have healthy liver function. Start by losing weight if you are overweight or obese. Make sure to cut back on alcohol and eat a balanced diet.


Can fruits help reverse fatty liver disease?

Unfortunately, they cannot do that. While fruits can contribute to a healthy liver, they cannot reverse fatty liver disease on their own. To do that, dietary changes, exercise, and sometimes medication, is necessary.

Are there any fruits I should avoid with fatty liver?

Generally, most fruits are beneficial for liver health. However, excessive consumption of fruits high in natural sugars, like mangoes and grapes, might not be ideal, especially if you’re trying to manage weight.

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About The Author
Aayushi Gupta
Aayushi Gupta

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information.

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