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Eat oatmeal in these 4 ways if weight loss is on your mind

Oatmeal is one of the most filling, healthy, and weight loss-friendly meals you can incorporate in your diet. Here are four ways to do it.
oatmeal and nuts to burn fat
Oatmeal and nuts would make a great weight-loss food combination! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shreya Gupta Published: 9 Jan 2021, 12:02 pm IST
  • 75

For the longest time, oatmeal has been given a thumbs up by fitness enthusiasts. You know the reason? Because it’s healthy, tasty and easy to make! And if you are trying to lose weight, then you obviously cannot miss it.

Oats are not only rich in nutrients, vitamins, healthy carbs, and fibre but they truly make for the perfect breakfast that is also economical, and readily available. Several studies have also proven its benefits ranging from weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. And we see no reason why you shouldn’t include this gem in your everyday life!

So, here are four ways in which you can easily include oatmeal in your everyday diet:

1. As a snack

Who doesn’t like snacking? Everybody does, and especially if you are on a diet, the urge to snack on something is pretty hard to resist. Since oats are healthy and have high fibre, it serves as the perfect (and healthier) alternative to junk food. It also takes longer to digest, which can keep you full and keep your cravings in check. Moreover, according to research by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, fibre can help you lose weight. So, mixing it with seeds or nuts further enhances the benefits.

Also, read: Hungry kya? This low-calorie oats-and-nuts bar is the perfect evening snack

2. Oatmeal bowl

Have you seen those aesthetically pleasing oatmeal bowls all over Instagram? If yes, then it’s important to know that while the bowl is healthy, not everything you put in it is good for you. Do not add sugar, or even honey, if your aim is weight loss. Instead, to make it sweet, you can add bananas and berries. You can also add other fruits, milk, seeds and nuts to make it more filling and nutritious.

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how to make smoothie bowl
This oatmeal bowl will keep your hunger pangs at bay. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Try oat milk

If you are looking for a plant-based alternative to dairy milk, then apart from almond or soy milk, oat milk is also a great alternative. Oats are also high in calcium and the ones that are available in the market also contain protein and other essential vitamins. The great thing? It is low in calories, which will help you lose weight. But make sure you consume the unsweetened and unflavoured variety.

4. Oats smoothie

If you are a smoothie person, then try adding some soaked oats to your favourite smoothie! Always prefer the plain one, as instant oats do come with added flavours or preservatives, which decreases the overall nutritional value. The best part is that it not only helps you lose weight, but it is equally delicious!

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About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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