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Hello millennials, is your diet really worth the try?

Do diets really work in helping you get fitter and lose weight? Read to know if it is a healthy practice or a harmful obsession.
diets really work
Here’s all you need to know about diets and its effects on the body. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Shifa Khan Updated: 31 May 2022, 05:57 pm IST
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Millennials are one of the largest drivers of food trends in current times. This does not come as a surprise, given that globally, 23 percent of the world population falls in the millennial bracket as of 2022. We have a very strong and peculiar relationship with our food. You just need to look at the statistics for food posts on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter to realize how obsessed millennials are with their food. With food as an obsession, many swat the idea that diets work and eat to their fill. On the contrary, some are always on the lookout for new and popular diets to stay fit and in shape.

Health Shots got in touch with Aanan Khurma, nutritional expert, CEO and Cofounder of Wellversed, who explained how diets can affect your body in the long run.

Are millennials engrossed in diet culture?

The obsession that millennials have is not with diets but with the underlying mechanics of diets and trends. For example, the trend to adopt vegan food products strongly stems from the morality of cruelty and concern for the environment.

Khurma says, “Trainers and gurus do indeed codify complex dietary concepts into the commandment of a diet that are easy to remember and follow. However, searches related to diet, ingredients, allergens, and supply chain have increased by 100x in the last 5 years. In addition, there is a 200 percent jump in the amount of recipe content that is uploaded to Instagram.”

diet tips
You may try many diets but make sure you include multiple nutrients to your food! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What are some diets that millennials are into?

Science, preferences, and ingredient allergy has given rise to many popular diets like the Ketogenic Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Paleo Diet, Whole30 Diet, Weight Watchers Freestyle Diet, Vegan Diet, Gluten-Free Diet, Raw Food Diet, Carb Cycling, and the Macrobiotic Diet. However, these diets and dietary trends are not blindly followed as in the previous generations. Nevertheless, there is at least a certain degree of awareness in millennials regarding the mechanics of a diet.

overnight weight gain
Crash diets really work in giving you quick, but not sustainable results. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Why do millennials believe that diets really work?

Whereas diets and dietary trends continue to evolve in millennials, the reasons for millennials being centered around diets have a few core issues. These include weight loss, heart health, energy levels, bodybuilding, skincare and hair care. According to Khurma, “Modern scientific diets clubbed with genuine nutrition brands can dramatically impact the health outcomes that one is trying to achieve. This is not only reflected statistically in clinical studies but also feats that athletes can achieve with modern nutrition regimens and products.”

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But are diets really worth it?

Khurma says, “Diets really work but they are a tricky concept. Most diets start with a very deeply rooted and examined science. But as that science starts getting quoted and replicated in the nutrition circle it takes on layers of quackery due to the Chinese whisper effect. So diets are worth it if the scientific basis of it has been studied. Also, different diets are like tools from a tool kit. They serve a very specific purpose at specific points.”

The one size fits all approach just does not work when it comes to diets. One must consult a nutritionist or a dietitian before following a diet. As the food we eat is the fuel we run on. A little error may multiply into severe effects on the body.

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About the Author

An aesthete and a skincare junkie, Shifa spends most of her time cooking delish food while wearing a sheet mask. At HealthShots, she creates high-octane content that can leave you all a little intrigued! ...Read More

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