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Diwali 2022: Healthy eating tips for a guilt-free festive season

No festive season is complete without food, but you would thank yourself if you follow certain healthy eating tips!
healthy tips for Diwali 2022
Try these healthy tips for Diwali 2022. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Team Health Shots Updated: 16 Oct 2022, 10:08 pm IST
  • 178

India is a country of varied communities and religions, with a wide variety of festivals. These are a time of celebrations and feasting with our family and friends. While food is an integral part of festivals, there also comes the fear of gaining extra kilos! To eat or not to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, what to eat, are debates that keep doing the rounds in our mind. But what’s important to remember is to eat what doesn’t hamper our health! As we inch towards Diwali 2022, let us look at some healthy eating tips to stay fit in the festive season.

One has to understand that a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and moderate physical activity regularly all through the year is important to maintain good health. Those few days of deviation from the same don’t make your health go from good to bad. One can enjoy the delicacies by keeping the quantities in control!

Choose healthy laddoos
Choose healthy laddoos. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

You should know the foods to avoid in Diwali and the importance of not letting go of your fitness routine even as you make the most of the party season.

13 healthy eating tips for you to stay fit

According to Bhakti Samant, chief dietitian, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Mumbai, here are some tips to stay healthy during the Diwali season.

1. Moderation is the key while eating your favourite delicacies during the festivals. Portion control can help you keep a check on the intake of extra calories. Take smaller portions on the plate and avoid refilling it again.

2. Foods rich in dietary fiber should occupy the majority of your plate.

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3. Opt for day-time lunch party instead of night if possible.

4. Eat a fruit or a small meal before going to a party or a get-together.

5. Avoid fasting the whole day before going to the party as it doesn’t help to control the intake instead would make you overeat.

6. Start your meal with a liquid beverage like soup, buttermilk or lime water as it helps to reduce the appetite. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages.

7. Start eating with a protein option as it helps in better satiety. Protein-rich foods such as pulses, sprouts, curd, buttermilk, grilled chicken, fish etc can be included.

8. Prioritize between a fried savoury snack and a sweet delicacy at a time. Avoid indulging in both at the same time. Also if possible opt for roasted or baked savoury snacks instead of deep fried ones.

Avoid fried food
Avoid fried food to keep your health in check during Diwali! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

9. While selecting desserts opt for the milk-based desserts over others which are deep fried. For example, easgulla over gulab jamun.

10. While drinking, opt for drinks without the sugar-added mixtures.

11. Keep yourself hydrated enough by drinking about 2-3 liters of fluids in the form of soups, smoothies, lime water, coconut water, infused water, etc, apart from water.

12. Avoid packaged, ready-to-eat foods– the more the intake of processed foods, the lesser the nutrients available.

13. Regularly exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes could help easily maintain your weight during the festive seasons. Take up activities you enjoy and like, don’t go with the herd. Do some brisk waking, jogging, Zumba, aerobics, yoga, Pilates, HIIT or strength training.

aerobics for fitness
Don’t forget to exercise! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

The last word

Remember, it’s not what one eats during the festivals that decides the fate of one’s health, but the consistency with which one makes healthy choices throughout the year! Follow these healthy eating tips and see the difference!

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