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Can bananas really treat diarrhoea? Hear it from an expert

Bananas have been used as a remedy for diarrhoea since ages. But, are they really effective? An expert answers.
loose motion
Bananas and oranges are healthy. Image courtesy: Unsplash
Shreya Gupta Published: 29 Oct 2020, 04:08 pm IST
  • 76

Diarrhoea is an extremely common health concern which can happen to anyone, irrespective of their age and geographical location. It can easily be triggered because of certain eating habits, underlying digestive issues, stress or even season change. In spite of how common the problem is, most of us are easily embarrassed by it and avoid discussing it openly in order to seek help.

But, we’re pretty sure you’ve heard plenty about how bananas can be a solution to the problem.

Bananas have been used traditionally as a home remedy to treat diarrhoea, also known as the dreaded loose motions. Have you ever wondered if it actually works? Let’s hear it from the renowned clinical nutritionist Lovneet Batra. According to her, it’s a big yes! Bananas do help in treating diarrhoea. 

Lovneet explained the 3 key ways in which banana helps us in dealing with diarrhoea:

1. It has prebiotic effects

We all know the importance of prebiotics in maintaining good gut health. Turns out, bananas have prebiotic properties. “The unripe or green banana contains high resistance starch which has prebiotic effects. This prebiotic effect contributes to the growth of good bacteria which keeps your gut healthy,” says Batra.

Let’s go bananas. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. It adds bulk to the stool

During loose motion, all you want is to reduce the frequency of your stool and firm it up. Batra says, “Since bananas are extremely rich in fibre, they help in adding bulk to the stool which results in firmness. This improves your bowel irregularity, making bananas the best aide during loose motions.”

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What’s more, bananas have a high pectin content which helps absorb the excess liquid in your intestines. This can result in your stool becoming firm, reducing the duration of diarrhoea.

Also, read: These 5 fantastic reasons will convince you to add bananas to your diet

3. It helps restore energy

Running to your washroom frequently can result in extreme exhaustion. Loose motion can leave you feeling dehydrated. Hence, you need something hydrating and filling that can provide you with energy without being too harsh on your digestive system.

Batra says, “Bananas are very easy to digest which helps your body restore energy and fight the exhaustion. Moreover, banana is a rich source of potassium which can help replace the lost electrolytes.”

Also, read:

“Raw banana with curd works well as a remedy for diarrhoea. The prebiotics help restore the good gut environment. You can also have bananas as a fruit twice a day to ease the symptoms,” advises Batra

So, ladies, stock up on bananas the next time you’re suffering from the loosies!

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About the Author

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always. ...Read More

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