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#DareToChange: 10 sources of hidden sugar you need to cut from your diet RN

Sugar might boost your mood but it’s not the best for your health. That’s why we urge you to skip these food products as they are high in sugar.
hidden sugar (1)
Those so-called sugar-free products are actually not sugar-free at all! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Nikita Bhardwaj
Published On: 3 Apr 2021, 09:30 am IST

If you think that simply skipping refined sugar is going to make you healthy, then we want to burst your bubble. You see, there are a lot of things that you are eating on a regular basis that contain a high amount of sugar. But, they are marketed in such a manner that you don’t discover their harmful effects. In fact, some of these foods are considered to be ‘healthy alternatives’ or ‘diet foods.’

Do you know that fruits and vegetables have enough sugar to fuel your body? But, our cravings often overpower us and push us towards certain foods that are high in sugar content. In addition, the marketing gimmicks reduce any feelings of guilt we may be experiencing.

So, here are some foods that may have been touted as harmless but can have extremely negative consequences for your health:

1. Ketchup

It is the best tastemaker in the world but do you know that it is loaded with sugar? In fact, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, eating way too much tomato ketchup over a really long period of time can impact your vascular health. It can also impact your bone health.

hidden sugar
Give that sugar rush a break during periods. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Low-fat yoghurt

If you think you are on a low-fat diet just because you’re consuming low-fat yoghurt then you are highly mistaken! A single cup of low-fat yoghurt contains over 45 grams of sugar, which is about 11 teaspoons of sugar. That’s exactly what makes it tastier but it definitely doesn’t make it healthy. In fact, you should pick up the normal version of yoghurt because it’s more nourishing.

3. Barbeque sauce

Yes, it’s an all-time favourite dip but it has sugar in it. Just like any other sauce, it also has an impact on your vascular health which can end up impacting your heart.

4. Fruit juice

You must have always wondered why everyone tells you to eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Well, the reason is that all the nutrients get strained out upon juicing fruit and you are left with syrup that has only sugar in it.

5. Granola

Granola is known to be a superfood but do you know how much sugar is added to this so-called weight-loss food to preserve it? Quite a bit of it! In fact, most of those breakfast cereals that you eat are sugar-coated.

6. Flavoured milk

There are no points for guessing that the artificial flavours that are added to canned flavoured milk have a high content of sugar. We would suggest going for flavourless milk options.

7. Protein bars

We are talking about those protein bars that are available everywhere in the market! But, if you are making protein bars at home then you can still keep them on your daily diet because you can control the sugar content.

hidden sugar
Give these homemade protein laddus a chance. Image courtesy: Vancha Srivastava
8. Canned fruits

The high percentage of preservatives and sugar simply cancel out the effects of the vitamins and nutrients present in the fruits. It’s best to have actual fruits.

9. Sports drinks

No doubt that they energise you in a jiffy but have you ever wondered why? It’s because of the presence of sugar in it.

10. Vitamin water

Yes, we are speaking of the flavoured water that many believe have some miraculous ingredients that help one stay energetic all day. Well, for your information, that miracle ingredient is nothing but sugar!

Also, watch:

Here’s why you need to cut out sugar from your diet

According to a study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, the sugar present in processed foods is one of the major reasons why an increasing number of people are getting diagnosed with lifestyle disease like diabetes, heart problems, PCOD, stress, obesity, etc. Here are the effects of sugar on our system:

1. It makes your skin sag as it leads to the loss of elasticity.

2. According to a study published in the journal Nature Communications, it diminishes your immunity.

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3. If your body doesn’t respond well to sugar then it can lead to cancer in the long run.

This World Health Day, we urge you to cut out all sources of sugar from your diet. Are you ready for this challenge?

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Nikita Bhardwaj
Nikita Bhardwaj

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content.

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