Tahira Kashyap Khurrana marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a message on self-care

Breast cancer is widely prevalent and early detection can help boost chances of recovery. Tahira Kashyap Khurrana took to Instagram to raise awareness on the issue of early detection.
Timely detection of breast cancer can save your life! Image courtesy: Tahira Kashyap Khurrana/Instagram
Grace Bains Published: 22 Oct 2021, 02:11 pm IST
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Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers amongst women and unfortunately, the number of cases have only been rising. In such a scenario, timely diagnosis can be really helpful in fighting the disease. Many celebrities raise awareness on medical issues that plague the society so that people can proactively manage their conditions and lead healthier lives. Recently, author, screenplay writer, and filmmaker Tahira Kashyap Khurrana took to Instagram to raise awareness on timely diagnosis of breast cancer.

She has personally dealt with the menace of breast cancer, and her grit and determination as a survivor is an inspiration for many women who are struggling with the disease.

In her post, she is seen holding a crossed pink ribbon, which is the universal symbol for breast cancer awareness. She urges women to indulge in self-care and self-love by protecting themselves, valuing themselves, and nurturing themselves.

Check out her post here:

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What is breast cancer?

Millions of women are struggling with breast cancer, and as per the World Health Organization (WHO), it is the world’s most prevalent cancer. It is cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts and could develop in the lining cells of the ducts or lobules, in the glandular tissue of the breast. It is not a transmissible or infectious type of cancer.

However, certain factors increase the risk profile of women developing breast cancer, which includes history of radiation exposure, reproductive history, age, and tobacco consumption.

Timely detection of breast cancer

Tahira, who has been vocal about her brush with breast cancer, writes, “Have gone through this route hence can suggest please do regular self examinations. Younger age at times also doesn’t help. Do not become an ostrich if you feel something is wrong. The wrong only gets detected timely if you take action towards it. Action means letting the doctors examine you and to go through their protocol. You are very significant, worthy of adding a lot of value! Never forget this please.”

breast cancer
Self-examination can help detect breast cancer early on. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Self-examination is the key to detecting breast cancer

Dr. Arun Kumar, Pediatric Oncologist, QurHealth, helps us understand how to go about self-examination.

He said, “When it comes to breast cancer treatment options, early detection with self-breast examination allows you to get more familiar with your breasts. The optimal time to undertake a monthly self-breast exam is around 3 to 5 days after your period starts. Do it at the same time every month because your breasts are not as painful or lumpy at this period in your monthly cycle.”

So, as Tahira points out, it is critical to be vigilant about symptoms such as lump in the breast, change in breast size, pain in the breast of nipples, change in colour or shape of the breast and nipples, and/or peeling or flaking of the area surrounding the nipple (areola).

There are various pathological and physical tests available to diagnose breast cancer, and you could also do a breast lump self-examination periodically. So, ladies, if you notice any of the symptoms listed above, or are over forty years old, then do consider visiting a doctor to rule out any risk of breast cancer.

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Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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