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What’s the most important thing to get a flat belly? Bingo! It’s all about activating your core muscles, and improving your metabolism. And these are the two biggest reasons why we prefer yoga, when it comes to weight loss. There are several asanas in yoga for weight loss arsenal that work the core area, but if there’s one that solely focuses on it – it is the warrior III or Virabhadrasana III.
Warrior pose is a series of three yoga poses, i.e. warrior I, II, and III. All of them offer some or the other benefit, when it comes to both weight loss and strength training. Warrior III is the advanced version, as it requires major balancing and trunk strength to pull this pose off. And that’s one of the reasons why it works like a magic pill, when it comes to weight loss.
You can start practicing this pose with the support of a wall or a chair. But once you achieve that strength, trust your legs and core to increase its impact, and work on getting that belly back in shape.
But how exactly does warrior III help in burning belly fat? Let’s delve deeper to understand!
According to yoga guru, Grand Master Akshar, a person requires great core strength, leg strength, and hip flexibility to perform this pose. The formation of the posture demands that you make a straight line with the entire body, while balancing on one leg. This makes it very challenging, if you are carrying around extra weight around your thighs, belly, or hips.
“To make this asana an effective weight loss posture, try holding it for about a minute and repeat as many as 3 sets. Along with weight loss, the warrior III pose also improves your balance, posture, and develops full-body coordination. It improves metabolism rate as well, and also helps you with a straight posture, due to which your abdominal area is also positively impacted”, he explains.
“Exhale while getting into the posture. Follow a balanced continuous breathing pattern, and focus on your core muscles,” suggests Grand Master Akshar.
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If you have had a recent or chronic injury in the legs, hips, back, or shoulders, then it will be better that you avoid this pose. Also, if you are pregnant, then steer clear of this pose, and opt for some simpler asanas.
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
Check BMISo ladies, we’ve revealed everything you needed to know about the warrior III pose. Now, don’t stop yourself from going for it to see fantastic results in no time!
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