Jumping is a basic exercise that is easy to perform anytime, anywhere without any equipment required. Jumping can be incorporated as a part of your warm-up exercise or can be beneficial to lose weight. Jumping involves exerting maximum force on muscles in a short time duration to increase strength and power. If you want to do jumping exercises, you can go for skipping, jumping jacks, box jumping or squat jumps. These moves can help shed extra kilos, decrease belly fat, burn calories, and also improve muscle strength. But jumping is not the only way to lose weight! There are many effective weight loss exercises without jumping.
Try these weight loss exercises that involve no jumping and qualify as low-intensity exercises:
Push-ups are mostly considered an exercise to build strength, but it helps in burning calories too.
Squats strengthen tendons, bones, and ligaments of the legs along with toning thighs and burning calories. They also help improve balance and posture, says fitness expert Aman Puri. During a 2013 study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, people who participated in an eight-week squat exercise training saw a decrease in body fat.
Lunges are a resistant exercise that strengthen the back, hips and legs. Lunges work on the lower body and can initiate weight loss by building lean muscle.
This exercise helps strengthen the core muscles and tones the abdominal muscles.
It is a water-based activity, with water providing great resistance, says the expert. During swimming, the body starts acting against the resistant water, increasing effort while swimming, which helps burn calories. A 2010 study, published in the Metabolism – Clinical and Experimental journal, showed that people who took up a swimming programme for a year lost more weight than those who were on the walking programme.
It’s an enjoyable physical activity for attaining weight loss.
Beginners can start cycling on flat surfaces and later, you can choose uphill routes to intensify it.
Climbing stairs for weight loss is an easy and safe exercise. During a 2016 study published in The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine, people participated in a three-week exercise of climbing stairs. They did it more than 5 minutes two times a day. The participants’ body weight was reduced by 3.35 kg on average.
While climbing stairs, the body loses water through sweat. For energy, the body starts utilising deposited stores, which leads to weight loss, says Puri. It benefits the skeletal muscles and increases body strength
Keep your body upright while climbing stairs. Try not to lean forward, and place your entire foot on the next step.
Activities like planks help burn fat briskly, as they involve multiple muscles at one time. It enhances core strength, reducing belly fat, says the expert.
Exercise should be a part of your daily routine for maintaining good health and well-being. Incorporating these exercises for 15 to 20 minutes in your daily routine may help you stay away from obesity, says Puri. You can gradually decrease the intensity of exercises once you achieve your weight loss goal.
These weight loss exercises can work wonders, but some people should avoid them:
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