If you deal with period pain and fatigue monthly, you might think of taking a five-day break from your workout routine. Even though you just want to rest and not move around much during those three to seven days of a month, you should not stop exercising. Working out during periods can make you feel better, and not come in the way of your weight-loss journey. Light to moderate exercise can even help alleviate some menstrual symptoms such as period cramps and mood swings. What’s more? Exercising during period can also help you lose weight. So, do these weight loss exercises during period to stay in shape and get relief from cramps and other menstrual symptoms.
Yes, it is generally safe for women to do weight loss exercises during their periods, says obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Sukirti Jain. However, the intensity and type of exercise may need to be adjusted based on your menstrual symptoms. Here are some considerations:
Exercising during periods can offer several benefits, including:
Exercise can be used as a treatment for period pain, according to a research published in 2019 by Cochrane Library. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers that can help reduce menstrual cramps, says Dr Jain. Physical activity can improve blood circulation, helping to alleviate cramps and discomfort.
During a January 2024 study published in Post Reproductive Health, women who swam in cold water reported that it reduced their menstrual symptoms, such as anxiety, mood swings, and irritability. Exercise can reduce stress and anxiety, improving mood and reducing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. The release of endorphins during exercise can help combat mood swings and irritability.
Aerobic exercise, which includes brisk walking, cycling, and swimming, can reduce PMS symptoms like fatigue, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Light to moderate exercise can boost energy levels and reduce the feeling of fatigue often experienced during menstruation.
Regular exercise, even during periods, can promote better sleep. It is often disrupted during menstruation due to discomfort and hormonal changes when you are down, says Dr Jain.
Continuing with weight loss exercises during periods helps in maintaining a consistent workout routine. This in turn aids in weight management and your overall fitness goals.
Physical activity like yoga can help women with both medical and psychological conditions. Yoga may help with irregular periods along with stress, tension, and anxiety, as per a research published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada in June 2024. Regular physical activity can help maintain hormonal balance, which may contribute to more regular menstrual cycles.
Here are some of the weight loss exercises you can try during menstruation:
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
You can do light aerobics like step-touch, side steps and gentle marching, suggests Thakur.
Side steps
Step sideways to the right and bring the left foot to meet the right foot.
Repeat this using your left foot.
Gentle marching
March in place, lifting your knees to a comfortable height and swinging your arms naturally.
If you are using a stationary bike, adjust the seat and handlebars to a comfortable height says Thakur. Pedal at a moderate pace, keeping a consistent rhythm.
For outdoor cycling, choose a flat or gently rolling route. Maintain a comfortable pace, avoiding sudden bursts of speed.
Seated leg lifts is one of the low-impact strength training exercises you can try.
Bicep curls with light weights
Working out for half an hour a day is good enough to enjoy the benefits of exercising during periods, but choose light moves. Intense exercise can cause irregular period and amenorrhea or the absence of period, as per a research published in the Medicine journal in 2017.
Exercising during menstruation is generally safe and can offer numerous benefits, from reducing cramps and improving mood to maintaining energy levels and aiding weight management. But adjust the intensity and type of the exercise as and when needed.
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