Heads-up first: Doing V-ups is no cakewalk. However, if you are actually looking forward to burning that belly fat then this is going to be your go-to exercise.
You can’t ace a flat belly if there are a lot of layers of fat on your abs. With a strict diet, you also need to do certain strength training exercises that can fire up your core muscles. V-ups are that one power pack move that can do it all for your belly.
V-ups is a combination of two extremely effective moves in one: sit-ups plus leg raises. This makes it a complete package that will give your core the maximum contraction.
First, let’s learn how you can do a v-ups
Before you begin, please ensure that you have a proper mat to support your back and glutes while doing this exercise, otherwise, the lower half of your spine might hurt a bit. Here’s how to do this powerful move:
1. Lie down flat on your back. Ensure that your legs are straight. Keep your arms extended straight overhead.
2. Now, lift your legs and arms at the same time. Keep your legs straight and lift as high as you can. Try to touch your toes with your fingers. You basically need to form a V shape with your body.
3. Hold this pose for 5 seconds and with an exhale, go back to your starting position.
Repeat this move for 10 to 15 times. You should ideally do 5 such sets for maximum impact.
However, if you have a spine problem or neck pain, try to avoid this exercise because it will cause strain and can lead to sore muscles.
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
Check BMITake your v-up a notch higher with this trick
According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, doing sit-ups and leg raises are one of the best exercises when it comes to losing weight around your belly area. V-ups, we have already mentioned, are actually a mix of these two.
If you want to double the impact of this already kickass move, then we have another trick for you. All you need to do is wear ankle weights while doing this move and hold a 2 kg dumbbell in your hands. Now, do this move again and feel the contraction. This will kill that belly fat!
If you think it is a little too far-fetched, then you can skip the dumbbell and try it with the ankle weights. You can always include the dumbbells once you’ve aced the move with ankle weights.
So, there you go ladies! You know which move will burn that belly fat. Just do it every alternate day and feel the difference.
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