Here’s how doing the reverse plank can tone your body from head to toe

Looking for an advanced exercise for your core? Then, you must try the reverse plank which also comes with the promise of toning your body proportionately.
reverse plank
Add reverse plank to your workout! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Nikita Bhardwaj Published: 1 Nov 2020, 12:12 pm IST
  • 73

How many of you end your core routine with a plank? Yes, we know that planks are hardly anyone’s favourite. But let us unveil a secret today. If you don’t do planks after abs exercises, then you are leaving your workout halfway.

Plank is one of the most underrated exercises. It might be difficult to nail but it is packed with impact. It is the ultimate secret to getting a flay belly as well as a proportionately-toned body. And if that’s exactly what your fitness goals are then don’t miss out on planks.

Planks accelerate fat burning after a rigorous workout. They not just contract the core muscles but also generate in the region that burns fat. Not just that, but it also helps you get a great posture. Plus, it also helps in toning your glutes and hamstrings. So basically with planks, you are sorted from head to toe.

Although there are a lot of planks variations you can try, today we want you to try the reverse plank.

power yoga for weight loss
You must have done this but it’s time to do the reverse of this! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
First, let’s learn how to do a reverse plank

We have a heads-up for the beginners: please try the reverse plank under expert guidance as there are high chances you might end up getting injured. Although it’s not that difficult, for first-timers it can be a little tricky.

  1. Firstly, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.

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  2. Now place your palms, with fingers spread wide, on the floor slightly behind and outside your hips.

  3. Gently press into your palms and lift your hips and torso toward the ceiling.

  4. Look up to the ceiling, point your toes, and keep your arms and legs straight.

  5. Keep your entire body strong and form a straight line from your head to your heels.

  6. Squeeze your core and try to pull your belly button back toward your spine. Hold the position for up to 30 seconds.

  7. If your hips begin to sag or drop, lower yourself back to the floor.

  8. Perform up to three sets of 30-second holds.

Also, watch:

Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind while doing a reverse plank:
  1. Don’t tilt your head way too much. Keep your neck in the line of your stomach.

  2. Don’t hyperextend your body. Ensure that you form a straight line.

  3. Initially, refrain from overstretching yourself.

  4. Like any other plank position, you have to keep your body straight. If you feel that you are losing the grip or unable to maintain the right posture then end the hold and relax.

So ladies, start practising reverse plank from now on as it is THE core exercises you are not following up with.

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About the Author

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content. ...Read More

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