Stop rubbing your eyes after reading the headline because it’s true! Toiling away for hours and hours just exercising your abs is actually not the right way to do it. What you need is great stamina, speed, and a vow that you won’t eat all those quarantine calories that you have been indulging yourself in.
If you promise yourself this then there are chances that this 20-minute routine might do wonders for you and your abs.
But before we begin, we have a question for you: For all your other body parts you do 15 or 20 reps but why is it that you do 500 to god knows how many reps for the abs? Even a simple Google search will tell you that it’s the wrong way to do it!
So, it’s time to start your stopwatch and get going.
And now, it is time to catch your breath and sip on some water once your heart rate is back to normal.
You must be thinking that why is it that we have picked only these 11 exercises? Well, the reason is pretty simple. This session is a mix of everything. If you’ll observe this HIIT session carefully then you’ll see that it is divided in three parts:
Part 1 is about warming up
The first three exercises are all about warming up your body. While hopping will charge up your lower body, the jumping jacks will get your entire body in motion. Also, we all know that the lower abdomen is the hardest of all to tame and that’s why high-knees are incorporated to warm that part up.
Also, watch:
According to a study published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, if you warm up before starting the workout for a particular body part then it improves your performance and enhances the impact of the exercise.
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
Check BMIPart 2 caters to your abs
From the fourth to the ninth exercise we have only concentrated on your abs. If you notice carefully, we have taken care of all three fractions of your abs i.e. upper, middle, and lower. Crunches are for upper abs. Leg raises and presses are for lower abs. V-ups and toe touch for the middle abs and mountain climbers for the entire area. Now, that’s power-packed, isn’t it?
Also watch:
Part 3 is all about core tightening
If you want a well-shaped frame then you can’t skip planks. Planks engage your core to the fullest and create maximum tension in all the segments of your core. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science suggests that doing planks will also help in strengthening your abdominal muscles that will also help in improving your posture and balance.
So, do try this 20-minute core challenge every alternate day to get those packs that you always dreamt of.
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