You can be fit as a fiddle by performing some regular exercises, but if you are looking to get in shape, you need to do something extra. And we know the most stubborn area that’s really hard to tone is the belly. Oh yes, we’ve all spent hours and days trying to spot reduce our abs and oblique muscles, but nothing really happens! Well, that’s because you have been missing out on star abs.
Before we go gaga about star abs, we have a question for you. How do you devise your abs routine? In all probability, you first target your upper abs, then mid, and eventually switch to the lower abs. The sides come in last. Isn’t that the case? We knew it.
According to us, it’s a waste of time and we are sure that you are not even close to what you were looking for. That’s because all the exercises that you perform concentrate on ONLY one part of the entire muscle. And the moment you get that contraction going, you drop it. Sad!
But with star abs, you not only save plenty of time, but also get better results. So, dual benefits are up for grabs!
Star abs is a power-packed exercise that works on your entire core in one go. All you need is 15 to 20 minutes every day and 100 star abs to get that flabby tummy in shape.
So without any further ado, let’s reveal how to do star abs.
Tip: Just remember to keep your upper and lower body lifted. You don’t have to touch your feet or your hands to the ground. This will help in better contraction of the muscle and give better results in lesser days. You can design the sets at your convenience. Ideally, you should do four sets of 25 star abs to lose weight ASAP.
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