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No, you aren’t hallucinating because what you read above is absolutely true. You must be thinking what will happen to your knees if you jump this much? Relax, because if you do these exercises the right way your joints will be just fine. Basically, if you are looking for a fun way to lose your weight then jumping exercises are here to get you going.
You see, in jumping exercises if you get the basics right then hurting yourself is out of the question. All you need to do is just remember a few things like:
If these three are sorted then jumping exercises are the easiest way to lose weight.
Did you know, 60 days of jumping training act like a rehab for your legs? This not just strengthens those leg muscles but it also makes your body lean, according to a study published in the journal of PLOS One. That’s why we are so pro jumping.
And here are those five jumping exercises that you must do for at least 20 minutes daily for major weight loss:
1. Jumping jacks
Target area: If you are tired of your underarm and inner thigh fat lobes then try jumping jacks for sure.
How many to do: If you are a beginner do 50, for intermediate 100, and for an advance at least 250. Do at least 5 reps.
2. Burpees
Target area: Well, it’s an overall package but this exercise focuses majorly on legs and core.
How many to do: If you are a beginner do 15, for intermediate 25, and for an advance at least 50. Do at least 5 reps.
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
Check BMI3. Jumping squats
Target area: This one will focus on your things and butts.
How many to do: If you are a beginner do 15, for intermediate 25, and for an advance at least 40. Do at least 5 reps.
4. Skipping
Target area: Arms, shoulders, chest, back, and legs–skipping rope is like a one-stop-shop for your entire body.
How many to do: If you are a beginner do one minute, for intermediate 2 minutes, and for an advance at least 3 minutes or more. Do at least 5 reps.
5. High knees
Target area: High knees is a very effective cardio exercise. It focuses on your lower abs, side, and thighs majorly.
How many to do: If you are a beginner do 50, for intermediate 100, and for an advance at least 150 from each leg. Do at least 5 reps.
Who should avoid jumping exercises?
There is no doubt that jumping exercises are one of the best ways to reduce weight but if you have rehabilitated from a leg injury that has impacted your knees, ankles, or pelvic region then you should definitely avoid these jumping exercises.
Also, if you are guiding your parents to lose those extra calories then please remember that if they have hit their 50s then jumping exercises is not the right move for them, according to a study published in the journal Sports Medicine.
So there you go, who knew right that just a few jumps can take you on a weight loss spree? But these fantastic five are definitely there for you if weight loss is on your mind. So, go for it!
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