If you also think that exercises that make your muscles cry out loud are the ones that make the cut, it’s time to break this myth. Here’s the truth — it is not the exercise, but its intensity that defines the calorie burn. In the HIIT universe, there is no dearth of exercises; there’s something for everyone. In fact, if you belong to the “I hate burpees and push-ups” brigade, HIIT has one move in store for you that might come in handy. And that move is – fly jacks.
Fly jack is a variation of jumping jacks. This means that your lower body moves along similar lines, but your upper body has to level up with its moves. Simple? Indeed!
Come let’s dive in and know how fly jacks are here to help you with your weight loss resolution.
Your legs will move just like they do in jumping jacks. It’s the hand movement that will be different. So, come and learn.
Step 1: Stand straight with your feet together. Open up your hands in a lateral position, making a straight line with your shoulders.
Step 2: With a jump, open your legs and bring your hands in front, making your palms clap.
Step 3: Jump again and close your legs. Bring back your hands straight with the shoulder.
Now, repeat.
Also, read: These 5 exercises can warm you up in just 5 minutes
Here’s how many you can do: If you are at a beginner level, do 25 reps and 5 sets. If you are at an intermediate level, 50 reps and 5 sets, and if you are at an advanced level, 100 reps and 5 sets.
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
Check BMIA simple exercise like fly jacks actually has the capacity to reap the best results, but only when you do it right. Here are some points to remember, while performing it:
You need to keep your arms, legs, glutes, back, chest, and core tight. This will help to power your muscles. More tightness will lead to better sculpting of the muscles, and faster weight loss.
If you follow the above rule, there are very few chances of you losing your form. But at times when you speed up, you also tend to lose your form. This leads to a fall, which can sprain your leg/ankle. Or you may not get effective results.
Doing anything half-heartedly will give you that kind of result. And we don’t want that right? So make sure that your legs and arms are not bent at any point in time. Also, when you bring your arms in front, ensure that they are straight and while moving them back and forth, you put some extra pressure to awaken your chest and upper back muscles.
We know you literally hate doing push-ups, especially those of you who squeal and shout to reach the 100-mark. Now that means you need an alternative that can be simple but has a similar effect. You know why we are singing sweet songs for fly jacks.
Fly jacks literally target every muscle in your chest and upper back. So, it won’t be wrong to call it a compound exercise. Another thing is that due to its front and back movement it also helps you reduce that stubborn armpit fat, which push-ups also promise to do.
Also, read: Do these 5 jumping exercises daily for 20 minutes and lose 2 kilos in a week
But here is the catch which makes fly jacks even better than push-ups and i.e. they also work on your sides, glutes, and legs. In push-ups, these muscles are targeted in a very minor way, but with fly jacks, they fall under the major muscle target group due to the movement of your feet.
So it won’t be entirely wrong to call dibs on fly jacks.
Gals! Unfortunately, it looks like another lockdown might hit us soon. So, neither can you go to a gym nor outdoors. And we won’t let your new year’s resolution go in vain. That’s why we recommend you to give fly jacks a shot, and give your transformation an easier way out.
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