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I combined skipping with these 10 exercises and lost 2 kilos in just 10 days

I find it really hard to lose weight, but my mantra is to keep trying out new things. This time around, I combined skipping with some basic exercises, and the results were magical!
forward jump rope exercise
Forward jump is simple to perform and is fun too! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Nikita Bhardwaj
Published On: 7 Apr 2021, 12:47 pm IST

I have always believed that stagnation can harm your weight loss journey in a big way. And let me tell you, I fall for it too! Previously, my routine looked like this — stretch-cardio-body part-cardio-stretch. Without a doubt, it gave me some fab results, but after six months I stopped seeing any difference in my body.  That’s when I realised it was time to introduce some change. Since my aim was to lose weight, I decided to combine skipping with some basic exercises. The results left me wide-mouthed!

FYI, I lost two kilos in just 10 days! You know the best part? I lost inches too, and that’s not as easy. 

So, are you ready to know everything about this fitness routine? Let’s go!

Here are some exercises I coupled with skipping
1. Squats

25 squats
100 skips

Bid adieu to cellulite and say hola to toned legs. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Push-ups

20 push-ups (Go for basic push-ups)
100 skips

Don’t underestimate the power of push-ups when it comes to strong shoulders.

Take a one-minute break.

3. Half-crunches

25 half-crunches
100 skips

It’s time to strike the belly fat real hard.
4. Biceps curls

25 biceps curls, from each arm (pick a pair of 5 kilos dumbbell)
100 skips

Biceps curls is a great way to get super toned arms. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Take a one-minute break.

5. Plank hold

A minute hold
100 skips

Ladies, make the most out of those core-strengthening planks.
6. Triceps dips

20 dips
100 skips


Take a one-minute break.

7. Sumo-squats

20 squats
100 skips

Sumo squats are good for your butt too! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
8. Kettlebell swings

20 swings
100 skips

Kettlebell swings and skipping is a match made in heavan. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Take a one-minute break.

9. Shadow punches

50 punches from each arm
100 skips

Shadow boxing is your upper body’s best pal. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
10. Full sit-ups

25 full sit-ups
100 skips

And that’s how you complete one circuit. If you do this entire circuit in one go, it will take you about 20 to 25 minutes. To be honest, it’s pretty hard, so doing three circuits is more than enough.

You can also break this circuit and pick any two exercises to combine with skipping, and do at least seven reps. The next day, pick another two and do the same. Just make sure you pick different exercises, so that you work out your entire body!

Here are some tips that helped me ace this circuit

1. Make it a point to stretch for at least 15 minutes, before starting this circuit.
2. I wore proper shoes to support my ankle and other joints.
3. Sip on water, every time you take a break. Not too much, just to keep my mouth wet.
4. I would focus on my breathing for enhanced concentration and stamina.
5. I would keep my core engaged to maintain balance.
6. Skipping fast helped me sweat more, thereby helping to burn more calories.

So, here’s what I did to ensure my body gets out of stagnation mode! You can also give it a shot and see whether it works for you!

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About The Author
Nikita Bhardwaj
Nikita Bhardwaj

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content.

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