Lose weight super fast with these 5 lateral running variants

Who says you can’t find a quick fix to weight loss? A lateral run combined with these simple exercises can really accelerate the process!
Lose weight ASAP! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Nikita Bhardwaj
Published On: 23 Oct 2021, 09:00 am IST

We are all part of an instant generation; yes, we want things to happen real quick, at the snap of our fingers. Neither do we have the patience to wait for results nor do we have enough time to devote! If you want to see quick results when it comes to fitness, remember it’s all linked to your motivation levels. That’s how it goes — you see results, and stay motivated. Otherwise, you tend to lose heart easily. 

You must be thinking that weight loss is a long-term plan, so how is it possible to see quick results? Well, you can turn to lateral running.

No, we are definitely not talking about the regular lateral runs. We want you to take those runs a notch higher by adding some simple but intense exercises to increase your heart rate, and to burn that stubborn fat real quick.

So are you ready for a quick weight loss transformation? It’s time to level up!  

lateral running for weight loss
Ditch walking the normal way and try lateral walking for better results. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here are 5 lateral run variations that are better than any other cardio exercise

First, learn how you can do lateral runs perfectly. A lateral run is basically side-to-side running. Here’s what you have to do — stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Now, you have to move side-to-side. Keep your core strong, bend a little forward keeping your back straight, and keep your knees soft and bent.

Now, let’s see how you can bring in the variations:

1. Squat – run – squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now squat, stand, take two lateral hops on the left, squat again, stand, and move to the other side.

How many reps should you do? You have to do 5 sets; each rep will be a minute long. Take a 15-second break and repeat.

2. Hop – run – hop

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Now, take a hop moving your arms from your side to above your head. Next, take two lateral hops on the left and side, take a hop again, and repeat it on the other side.

How many reps should you do? You have to do 5 sets; each rep will be a minute long. Take a 15-second break and repeat.

lateral running for weight loss
Jumping works well to stay in shape. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Lunge – run – lunge

Stand straight and do lunges first with the left leg, and then with the right leg. Next, take two lateral hops on your left, lunge using both your legs again, hop to your right, and repeat.

How many reps should you do? You have to do 5 sets; each rep will be a minute long. Take a 15-second break and repeat.

4. Shadow punch – run – shadow punch

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Do shadow punches side-to side. Now, take two lateral hops towards the left, punch again, and do a lateral run onto the other side.

How many reps should you do? You have to do 5 sets; each rep will be a minute long. Take a 15-second break and repeat.

Also, reads: Ditch running and try this circuit of 5 exercises to lose weight in a month

5. Burpee – run – burpee

Now, this one is a super-duper weight loss exercise. We know you hate doing burpees, but when you see the results, you will fall in love with it.

Do a full burpee, stand up, take two lateral hops on the left, get into a burpee again, and then repeat the lateral hop on the other side.

Also, watch:

How many reps should you do? You have to do 5 sets; each rep will be a minute long. Take a 15-second break and repeat.

Voila! Your quick-fix weight loss guide is ready, and yes no cheat meals please, if you want to lose weight like crazy. 

So, all the best ladies!

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About The Author
Nikita Bhardwaj
Nikita Bhardwaj

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content.

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