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Exercise is important for someone trying to lose weight, and it is always a good idea to include different exercises in your fitness regimen. Ankle weight exercises are ideal for resistance training since they add weight to your workout regimen, strengthen and tone your muscles, and burn calories. They are great for physical therapy or rehabilitation as well. Ankle weights are also incredibly popular, low-maintenance exercise equipment that is portable. So, let’s explore the benefits of ankle weight exercises for weight loss and how you can include these in your daily routine.
Ankle weights are a common exercise accessory, particularly used for Pilates. They are made of small sandbags that wrap around your ankles. Think dumbbells for your feet. They typically weigh between 1 and 3 pounds, and you can wear them during your daily activities or use them as part of your exercise regimen.
Here are some notable benefits of ankle weight exercises that help you get rid of the extra kilos:
A study published in Science Direct Journal found that light resistance training with ankle-wrist weights and dumbbells produced encouraging outcomes. After the six-month study period, participants who utilised 1.1-pound ankle and wrist weights for roughly 20 minutes three times a week had reduced body fat percent.
Also Read: Weight loss tips: Incorporate these 5-minute exercises in your busy schedule
Ankle weights applied to the leg affected by the stroke helped the participants regain their balance in a 2014 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy that focused on stroke recovery. People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a group of illnesses that affect the lungs and cause breathing problems, were the subject of another study published in the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. According to the results, the individuals’ decreased muscle strength during their hospital stay may have been partially compensated for by using ankle weights.
“Using ankle weights while exercising can help improve bone density, just like any other strength training regimen. Plus, osteoporosis, a condition that disproportionately affects women more than males and causes bones to weaken and shatter easily, can be avoided in large part by maintaining stronger bones. For this reason, the greatest workouts to increase bone mass and strength are ankle weight exercises, says fitness coach, Mickey Mehta.
A study published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation found that for healthy persons, wearing ankle weights weighing 1 to 2 percent of their body weight could be an effective strategy to increase walking distance, speed, and cadence.
According to a study published in the Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, you can build more muscle by including weights in your exercise plan for your wrists and ankles. So, start incorporating ankle weight exercises now!
Also Read: 5 exercises to boost fat loss and muscle gain at the same time
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
Check BMIHere are some easy ankle weight exercises that will help you lose weight effectively.
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