3 yoga asanas for a flat belly a la Malaika Arora

If your belly fat is popping out of your shirt, it's time to hit yoga for weight loss. Malaika suggests her top 3 asanas that can help!
yoga to reduce belly fat
Who doesn't want a flat belly? Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Aayushi Gupta
Published On: 2 May 2022, 08:39 pm IST

Do you hate your hanging belly fat? Well, hating it will not help you get rid of it. To get that that tummy back in shape, you need to burn more calories by boosting your metabolism rate. And there are two big reasons you should turn to yoga for weight loss. First, it can help you burn more calories, and second, it activates your core muscles that help to flatten your stomach area.

Bollywood’s Chhaiya chhaiya girl Malaika Arora, recently took to Instagram and put out #MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek. And this time, she shared some yoga asanas that can be added to your daily routine to help combat the accumulation of weight around your waistline.

She captioned her post: “Yoga, contrary to popular beliefs, can help you burn calories and lose a lot of weight. Belly fat can be representative of several other underlying conditions. While spot reduction is a controversial subject, one thing that is certain is that it can be lost through consistent exercise and healthy food choices.”

Check out her post here:

Malaika recommends 3 yoga asanas that will help you reduce belly fat:

1. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

This pose is not simple as it seems. It needs your effort to perform correctly. Once you are performing it in the right way, it can strengthen your core, improve flexibility and stimulate your abdominal organs by improving your digestive system. Moreover, it also improves blood circulation in the entire body which helps to burn more belly fat. Keep practicing it regularly to learn the pose.

yoga for weight loss
Manage those bulges with yoga. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to perform this pose:

  • To perform Naukasana, lie down on your back on the yoga mat, keeping it straight.
  • Keep your legs straight and your arms by your sides.
  • Take a deep breath and while exhaling your breath, lift your upper body 45 degrees off the floor and lift your legs off the floor

Note: Transfer your body weight on your hips while coming up.

  • Make sure your toes are aligned with your eyes and your arms are stretched towards your legs, parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the pose for 10 breaths or what is comfortable for you, and keep your abdominal muscles tight and back straight
  • Now, come back to the starting point.
  • Repeat 5 times to engage your body and reduce belly fat.

2. Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)

If your goal is to burn belly fat, there’s no pose better than the plank. It is one of the best calorie-burning exercises and can help build a stronger core by enhancing your overall body performance. If you want to hit both your sides and belly in one go this is the best pose ever.

yoga for weight loss
Plank is a master move that helps build strong abdominal muscles, increase stamina and strengthen the whole body. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to perform this pose:

  • To perform a plank pose, start in Marjariasana (all fours on the ground or a yoga mat).
  • Align your knees under your hips and shoulders over your wrists.
  • Keep your head relaxed and you should be looking at the floor.
  • Now, press your hands into the floor, step your one foot back, and then a second, bringing your torso parallel to the floor.
  • After this, keep your hands straight to the floor.
  • Distribute your weight evenly on the upper arms, and legs.

Note: Put your weight on your back as well.

  • Keep your glutes and abs tightened while keeping your torso straight.
  • Look forward while you’re here, and hold the position for 10-20 seconds or as much as you can.
  • Repeat 10-10 second side planks on each side.
  • Remember to breathe!

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Bhujangasana is a core part of yoga for weight loss. This pose targets your abdominal region and muscles and helps to blast belly fat. Apart from helping in weight loss this post can also strengthen your spine and shoulder, improve digestion, energies your backbend, and can improve blood circulation in the body.

yoga for weight loss
The cobra pose has multiple benefits for your body. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to perform this pose:

  • Start by lying down flat on the floor on your stomach.
  • Stretch your legs back with your toes out on the floor and spread your palms on the floor under your shoulders and bring your elbows close to the sides of your body.
  • Inhale as new slowly left your chest off the floor as much as till your navel, while also lifting your shoulders, head, and torso up at a 30 degree angle.
  • Keep your pelvis on the floor, and ensure your head is slightly raised upward.
  • Hold the pose for 20-25 seconds.
  • Now exhale and slowly come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 2 to 3 times.

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About The Author
Aayushi Gupta
Aayushi Gupta

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information.

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