Do you often wake up with swelling under your eyes and feel concerned if it indicates any trouble for your health? While puffy eyes can be a manifestation of water retention, dehydration, certain allergies or ageing, the condition could also simply mean that you have been putting your eyes under severe strain and not resting them enough. If you are burning the midnight oil over a college project or office presentation, it’s time to take a break and give your eyes some well-deserved rest.
Renowned Yoga Guru Grand Master Akshar says that Yoga could help in making lifestyle modifications in addition to certain yoga asanas that could help improve blood circulation around the eyes.
“Stress, depression, overwork, excess screen time can be blamed for this eye condition. The current situation requires us to stay glued to the screen be it taking online classes or office meetings. Puffy eyes often indicate that your eyes are not well-rested or your lifestyle needs a change,” says Grand Master Akshar.
One aspect of life that we tend to ignore is the importance of a good sleep. Going to bed late means missing out on hours of restorative sleep that could lead to our body getting stressed over time. Timely sleep and getting up in morning hours is a time-tested way to heal body cells. “If you could follow a proper sleep routine, your eyes are sufficiently rested and rejuvenated,” says the Yoga Guru.
Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration which coupled with high salt intake and lack of sleep could make your eyes look puffy. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water can help with the condition. A diet rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants can relieve the oxidative stress in the body. One must consume seasonal fruits and vegetables for best results.
This could help deal with the tiredness in eyes but make sure not to be harsh with your eyes. Gently splash your eyes with water two-three times in a day.
Here are Yoga exercises that you can do for improving your eye health:
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“Surya Namaskar is a salutation to the Sun. The Sun represents energy, power, and vitality. This yogic offering of Surya Namaskar was first performed by the epitome of strength, Shree Hanuman as his salutation to the Lord Sun, who is his mentor and Master. The Surya Namaskar contains a total number of 8 asanas woven into a sequence of 12 steps for each side, right and left,” says Grand Master Akshar.
When you begin the Surya Namaskar, you must start with the right side as the sun’s energy is represented symbolically through this side. One cycle is complete when you cover both sides, and this is made up of 24 counts.
In yoga, Surya Namaskar is the best practice for eyes, mind and body. It is a very dynamic practice that gives excellent results. It has asanans that helps increase blood flow towards the face and eyes, improving eyesight and boosting overall eye health.
Padhasthasana is excellent for improving blood circulation around face and help in rejuvenating dead cells. When you hold it for a longer time, your eye power increases and helps deal with puffiness. It also helps in wrinkles.
Also Read: Try these 7 natural ways to get rid of those ugly dark circles
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