The word ‘scoliosis’ is derived from the Greek word ‘skol’, which means twists and turns. Scoliosis is a form of spinal aberration which creates spinal deformity and rib displacement. It causes a twist in the shoulders and hips and shifts the body’s center of gravity.
In scoliosis, there is a curve in the back because of an S-shaped spine (or reversed S) from side to side down the back. It twists the rib cage and makes the sides of the back uneven.
Health Shots spoke to Grand Master Akshar, yoga master, spiritual guru and lifestyle coach, who doled out various yoga asanas that can help your S-shaped spine regain its form.
Common types of S-shaped spine
“A scoliosis curve more often looks a bit like a backward C shape. This involves the spine bending sideways to the right, which is also known as dextroscoliosis,” says Akshar.
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Here are 4 common types of scoliosis curves:
Right thoracic curve
Right thoracolumbar curve
Right lumbar curve
Double major curve
Yoga to treat S-shaped spine
Akshar says, “Patients suffering from the condition of scoliosis can turn to yoga for management of the condition. Practicing certain poses in yoga can help with pain and strengthen the muscles around your spine. These stronger muscles can in turn help with better spinal alignment, which is also connected with reduced pain in people with scoliosis.”
First begin by touching the toes but keep the heels slightly apart from each other.
Roll the shoulders up and shift them back down again. This will open up the chest and facilitate the breathing as well.
Keep your chin parallel to the floor and keep gazing at the front.
Breathe normally
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Formation of the posture
Lie flat on your stomach.
Spread palms under your shoulders and elbows close to the sides of your body.
Inhale as you slowly lift the chest off the floor as much as till your navel.
Keep your pelvis on the floor.
Broaden your shoulder blades as you engage them to lift up the chest forward.
Slowly bring your torso down.
Formation of the posture
Begin by standing in Samasthithi.
Fold forward with your upper body as you exhale.
Look down, keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed. Exhale gently and bend.
If you are a beginner, you can bend your knees.
Place palms beside feet.
With practice, slowly straighten your knees.
Hold this asana for a while
Paschimottansana (Seated Forward Bend)
Start in a seated position.
Straighten your legs forward and join your feet.
With your spine elongated, slowly reach forward and hold your toes/feet/ankles.
With a big exhale, deepen your forward fold by drawing the lower belly in.
Hold for at least 5 breaths.
Exhale and release your feet
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Start by lying down on your stomach with your hands alongside your torso.
Fold legs and take your hands back to hold on to your ankles.
Inhale and lift your upper body and lower body off the floor.
Gently turn your chin upwards.
Do this very slowly.
As you exhale, release from the pose and relax quietly for a few breaths. You can repeat the pose 1-2 times more.
With yoga, you can choose to treat and manage your condition through self-discovery rather than opt for surgery. Please consult your medical practitioner for expert guidance regarding non-surgical alternatives for healing. Through awareness of our own bodies, we can transform our pain into strength that helps us to heal faster.
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An aesthete and a skincare junkie, Shifa spends most of her time cooking delish food while wearing a sheet mask. At HealthShots, she creates high-octane content that can leave you all a little intrigued! ...Read More