The postpartum phase involves facing physical and mental challenges. Prioritising your well-being while counting the days, weeks, and months with your newborn is crucial. That’s where yoga comes in! Incorporating specific postpartum yoga poses into your daily routine can help promote physical, mental, and emotional health. If you seek to rejuvenate and energise your body post-childbirth, you may want to consider performing these yoga poses as part of your recovery and strength-building journey.
Postpartum yoga offers a holistic approach to recovery, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of your being. It targets pelvic floor muscles, which are crucial for postpartum recovery and preventing issues like incontinence. Yoga helps restore core strength and tone abdominal muscles that are weakened during pregnancy. With regular practise you may also see a difference in your flexibility and mobility.
Beyond the physical benefits, yoga eases postpartum stress and promotes relaxation through gentle movements and breathing exercises. It also encourages emotional well-being, reducing the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety. With your mental calmness, it can also help you bond with your baby. Health Shots got in touch with Yoga and Spiritual Leader, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar to learn the yoga poses that you can perform in your postpartum period for recovery.
To begin with, practise a simple yoga pose that gently engages your muscles. The child’s pose helps release tension in the lower back and hips, promoting relaxation. Here’s how to perform it:
It strengthens the back, glutes, and thighs, providing stability to the postpartum body. Here’s how to perform it:
The plank pose engages the core, arms, and shoulders, promoting overall strength. Here’s how to perform it:
Also read: Postpartum belly fat: 7 exercises for a flat belly post pregnancy
It stretches the sides and hips and strengthens the legs, aiding in postpartum recovery. Here’s how to perform it:
This pose strengthens the back muscles and opens the chest, helping to reduce the strain of nursing and carrying your baby. Here’s how to perform it:
Apart from promoting alignment and balance, which are vital for new mothers adjusting to these new body changes, this pose also strengthens your body. Here’s how to perform it:
It improves spinal flexibility and strengthens the back, providing relief from postpartum discomfort. Here’s how to perform it:
Boat pose targets the core, enhancing abdominal strength and toning your body. Here’s how to perform it:
In addition to enhancing spinal flexibility, this pose also relieves tension in the back and neck. Here’s how to perform it:
Also read: 5 things every new mother needs to know about her first period post pregnancy
To finish your yoga routine, practise Savasana. It is a restorative pose that promotes deep relaxation, which is crucial for postpartum recovery. Here’s how to perform it:
After physical relaxation, you may also perform Pranayama to calm your mind. It helps reduce stress, enhances lung capacity, and fosters mental clarity. Here’s how to perform it:
Perform these poses regularly to see the difference in your post-pregnancy body!
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