Malaika Arora’s move of the week: Vrikshasana for balance and concentration

Vrikshasana, or the tree pose, is something Malaika Arora swears by, and recommends it to her Instagram followers. Here’s why she swears by the yoga asana!
malaika arora
Amrita Arora and Malaika are workout BFFs. Image courtesy: Instagram/ Malaika Arora
Grace Bains Published: 21 Sep 2021, 02:14 pm IST
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You can’t deny that good concentration levels can help you be productive throughout the week! One way to work on improving your focus levels is practising certain yoga asanas that promote the art of maintaining bodily balance. And Malaika Arora has a suggestion for you.

Malaika Arora’s recommendation

The popular celebrity often uses her social media handles to talk about her fitness goals, healthy eating habits, and share tips on how to stay healthy. Her fans get a glimpse of the various fitness activities she indulges in, be it yoga, pilates or weight lifting. Each week, Malaika shares a fitness move, across disciplines, for the benefit of her fans.

This multi-talented diva is back with her ‘MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek’. This exceptional dancer, host and fitness enthusiast took to Instagram recently to showcase her yoga prowess, by instructing how to perform ‘Vrikshasana’ (tree pose).

yoga poses
Watch Malaika strike a balance with this pose . Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Move of the week: Vrikshasana

Malaika, through her post, conveyed to her fans that this pose helps to maintain bodily balance and improve concentration. This posture can bring calmness, and relaxation to the mind and body.

Here’s how to perform the pose

Malaika provided a step-by-step guide to perform Vrikshasana

Step 1: Stand straight on both your feet.

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Step 2: Now, balance on your left leg, and fold the right leg, placing its sole on the inner thigh of your left leg. Ensure to point your toes downwards.

Step 3: Fix your gaze and slowly extend your arms upwards in a namaskar position. Ensure that your spine is straight, and keep taking in long deep breaths.

Step 4: With slow exhalation, gently bring down your hands, and release the right leg.

Step 5: Continue standing straight, and while maintaining the straight posture, repeat this pose. This time with the left leg going up to the right thigh.

You can check out the post here:

Benefits of Vrikshasana

This asana helps you rejuvenate, and engages your legs, back, and arms. It is an important pose for reducing the stress levels, both in your body and mind. The pose helps relieve stiffness in the shoulders, spine, chest, back and neck. After performing this pose, you will feel an uptick in your focus and concentration levels.

For those of you suffering from migraine, insomnia, or blood pressure issues, refrain from attempting this pose, as it may aggravate your condition.

Malaika urged her followers to try the tree pose, and share their pictures with her, while performing the pose.

So, ladies, try this pose, and set yourself on the path to physical and mental relaxation!

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About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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