If sciatica is a real pain in the back for you, try these 3 yoga poses for relief

Looking for suggestions on yoga for back pain? Give these expert-recommended asanas a try for gradual relief.
Woman with back pain
Beware of brittle bones during menopause. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Geetika Sachdev Published: 27 Mar 2022, 04:00 pm IST
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Our lives are way too sedentary now, especially post the pandemic. Long hours of Zoom meetings and furiously typing those emails, while managing household chores has been rather hard, leaving us with barely any time to move our bodies. No wonder, sciatica pain has become a huge problem. Every other person complains of shooting pain in the back, so what do we really do? Well, just like other health issues, you can leverage the power of yoga for back pain.

In her recent Instagram post, fitness expert Juhi Kapoor has shared a few tips to deal with sciatica pain:

1. Sitting long hours in one position should be avoided. One should take a quick stroll in intervals and maintain movement.

2. It is also important to maintain a good exercise regime, which is suitable for sciatica. This can greatly help in dealing with the trouble.

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3. Maintaining the right weight for the individual is important, in order to avoid any kind of chronic pain.

4. Breathing exercises and meditation can also help in dealing with the trouble. But you need to have a positive approach to see any results.

Long working hours are leading to posture problems. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Here are some yoga poses for back pain:

These poses are also helpful to deal with poor posture, to reduce lower back pain and to help improve body posture, along with mood swings.

1. Sphinx pose

* Lie on your belly, with your legs on the side.
* Your tailbone should be toward your pubis and lengthen it toward your heels.
* Rotate your thighs inward by rolling your outer thighs towards the floor.
* Lengthen your lower back and sacrum.
* Reach actively with your toes toward the wall behind you.
* Your buttocks should be firm but not clenched.
* Place your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms.
* Inhale and lift your torso, and head away from the floor into a mild backbend.
* Stay like this for a few breaths, exhale and slowly release your belly.

2. Sphinx garden pose

* Do the same steps as above.
* Keep lifting alternate legs 15-20 times.

Also Read: It’s a myth that back pain needs prolonged rest and no exercise, says expert


Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.

Check BMI
back pain
Try shalabhasana or locust pose to get rid of back pain. Image courtesy:

3. Locust pose (static and dynamic)

* Hold each leg up for 15-20 seconds, after following the instructions of the sphinx pose.

Who should avoid these yoga poses for back pain?

* Anyone with lumbar or joint discomfort
* Avoid in case of cervical spondylitis
* Arthritis
* Pregnancy

So ladies, make sure you practice these yoga poses regularly, in case you are looking to keep sciatica pain at bay!

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An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town. ...Read More

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