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Downward-facing dog can help you feel energetic and this is how you can do it

Master the art of doing downward-facing dog with the help of this yoga guide for beginners.
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Downward-facing dog pose is your one stop solution. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Updated On: 10 May 2021, 10:14 am IST

Even if you don’t know much about yoga, you know what downward-facing dog is. This asana, also known as Adho Mukho Shvanasana, is not only easy to nail–but it also offers a plethora of health benefits. 

The ultimate food for mind, body, and soul that even beginners can relish, here are the benefits of practicing this amazing pose:

1. It can relieve your stress
This pose is great for the nerves and can offer much-needed relaxation if you’re stressed out.

2. It can help you feel energetic
The movement in this pose helps in improving your blood circulation, which in turn makes you feel energised.

3. It’s great for muscle toning
When you do the downward-facing dog, it stretches and strengthens your entire body especially your hamstrings, calves, and arms.

muscle gain
Downward-facing dog pose is a great way to tone your arms. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. It can relieve your mum’s menopause symptoms
This pose helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause. Plus, doing this pose regularly can help in prevention from osteoporosis.

Now that you know just how beneficial doing downward-facing dog is, let’s figure out how you can do it at home.

The right way to perform downward-facing dog

Also, listen to the audio instructions for the asana here:

1. First of all, come onto your mat on all fours forming a tabletop with your hands and knees. Now, position your knees under your hips and your palms below your shoulders. Spread out your fingers, pointing them forward, and come on your toes. Just stretch yourself as much as you can.

2. Now exhale, push onto your toes to lift your knees up off the floor. If you are a beginner, you can first keep your knees slightly bent and heels lifted up, so that you don’t get sore muscles later on.

3. Now it’s time to lift your hips up. Slowly begin to straighten your knees and elbows, to form an inverted ‘V’ shape with your body. If you have a mirror around, check to see if you have made a proper inverted ‘V’.

4. Now put pressure on your palms pushing away from the floor and broaden your shoulder blades. As you do this, try to push your heels to the floor keeping your feet slightly parallel. This will lengthen the back of your legs, and elongate your spine.

Tip: To hold the pose better and for longer, keep your eyes focused on your big toes. Also, keep your head between your upper arms. Don’t let it hang otherwise you will experience pain.

5. Now to come out of the posture, slowly bend your knees to the floor with an exhalation and res. And relax….

Wasn’t that easy? 

Now the most important thing: how many repetitions of this you can do?
If you are a beginner then you can do this pose five to 10 times. If you feel that you can do more than just these many reps then go for it. 

That said, performing this asana for 20 to 25 times with a gap of 15 seconds between each pose is enough.

So, isn’t it downward-facing dog the real deal when it comes to your overall fitness? Do try this at home, because Yoga Se Hi Hoga!

(With inputs from Grand Master Akshar) 

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