In the world of strength training, lunges have gained popularity for their ability to make the hips, legs, and back strong. They are also great for improving mobility as well as stability. The interesting thing about this exercise is that you can also do them during your yoga class. A slightly challenging version of this exercise goes by the name anjaneyasana in Yoga. It is sometimes referred to as the low lunge pose or crescent moon pose. In this pose, your front knee will be bent at a 90-degree angle while your back leg will be extended behind you, and your arms will be raised overhead. It is particularly good for your lower body, as it stretches the tight muscles in that portion.
Anjaneyasana, also known as the low lunge pose or crescent moon pose, is a dynamic yoga posture that offers numerous health benefits. “This pose involves a deep stretch of the hips and legs while simultaneously promoting balance, coordination, and mental focus,” says fitness coach Dr Mickey Mehta. The Low Lunge Pose is often used as a preparatory posture for deeper stretches or an advanced pose like hanumanasana or the monkey pose.
Here are the muscles stretched in the crescent moon pose:
Anjaneyasana helps to stretch many muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, which in turn strengthens the legs. Lunges, including low lunge, can tone the hips, glutes, and thighs, according to research published in the Journal Of Human Kinetics in 2018.
“Crescent moon pose is considered a heart-opening pose because it stretches the chest and shoulders, which reduces tension and makes you sit up straight,” says the expert. This makes you raise your chest and opens up your lungs for expansion.
Yoga, in general, is known to improve physical balance in people. A 2016 study, published in Age And Ageing, showed that yoga can help in improvement in balance in people aged more than 60. Anjaneyasana focuses on improving concentration and balance. The concentration needed to hold the posture helps to strengthen the body-mind connection. “This is a good pose to enhance both physical as well as mental balance,” says Dr Mehta.
It can be used as a preceding pose to more complex positions like hanumanasana (monkey pose) or eka pada rajakapotasana (one-legged king pigeon pose). This helps to open up the hips and thighs, allowing for a smoother transition into deeper stretches.
Performing the crescent moon pose can help to stretch the muscles around the sciatic nerve gently, particularly at the hip level. “This helps to release any tension or pain that could result from the tightening or compression of the sciatic nerve,” says Dr Mehta.
Wind-Relieving Pose is one of the popular asanas to improve your gut health. If you are looking for a yoga pose to improve digestion, you can also try the crescent moon pose. While doing the low lunge pose, your abdominal muscles get stimulates which helps to improve digestion.
Anjaneyasana is more of a foundational yoga pose that helps with physical strength, flexibility, and balance. This yoga pose is also good for improving concentration.
Both ashwa sanchalanasana, the high lunge pose, and anjaneyasana, the low lunge pose, are similar with their lower body engagements, but differ in foot alignment. The back foot is in a curled position with the toes tucked under in ashwa sanchalanasana, but the back foot's toes are tucked in, with the knee lowered closer to the ground in anjaneyasana. The difference comes down to the increased stretch intensity in the hips and legs.
Practice anjaneyasana for 5 to 10 seconds on both sides. When you get comfortable with the pose, you can increase the time to 30 seconds or 1 minute on each side.
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