6 fitness myths that many people believe to be true but aren’t

You must have heard a lot of fitness myths, but not all of them are true! Believing fitness myths can put you at risk of injuries and health problems.
fitness myths
Six fitness myths that many people believe to be true but aren't. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Nawaz Shaikh Updated: 10 Nov 2022, 11:39 am IST
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You must have heard a gazillion myths about fitness that you believe. But not of them are true! Did you know that you may even develop bad habits that can hinder your fitness goals? It is quite essential to know the “science” of how your body responds and reacts to certain things. It is crucial to stay away from these misconceptions that could sabotage the efforts you have put into your fitness journey. Today, we will discuss the 5 most common fitness myths that you should stop believing.

6 commonly believed fitness myths

Here are 5 of the most common fitness myths people think are true, but aren’t!

Myth 1: I can eat everything I want if I workout

“I am working out so I can eat everything I want!” Fitness is a dynamic industry, wherein you can join a new class to stay fit or take a new approach to exercise your chest. However, there is one exception to this rule, and that is the fact that you can’t out-train a poor diet!

What you put into your body will have an impact on the way you look. You need to alter your lifestyle if you want to reach your fitness goals. Many people believe that exercising will help them lose weight, become healthier, or improve their physical appearance. Actually, only 15-20 per cent of the fight is won by that. The remaining 80-85 per cent is all about what you eat. You will never be able to accomplish your fitness goals without giving your body the proper nutrition.

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unhealthy diet
Fitness myths you should stop believing. Image Courtesy :Shutterstock

Myth 2: Lifting weights will make you look bulky!

You won’t gain muscle mass by lifting heavy weights. However, you will experience other positive effects, including increased calorie burning as your body works harder to move and hoist the heavyweight. Second, you will shape your physique or give the muscles you are focusing on more definition. Lifting weights will increase the total number of muscle fibres and strengthen your muscles. The main misconception is that using weights will make you look bulky. No, it doesn’t, and it won’t.

Myth 3: I can reduce abdominal fat by working out my abs

Strengthening your core offers a wealth of benefits of its own. It is another great reason to exercise your abs. However, your body will eventually extract fat from anywhere it pleases. You won’t necessarily lose abdominal fat just because you perform 100 sit-ups every day. The best approach to weight loss is to eat healthy, exercise frequently, and get enough sleep. Spot reduction is a myth you should not believe!

Myth 4: Cardio is the best way to lose weight

Cardio can be quite effective at burning calories when exercising, but increasing more lean muscle mass will enable you to burn more calories while at rest! This aids in creating the necessary calorie deficit for weight loss. For the best outcome, a combination of high-intensity aerobic exercises and strength training is recommended. Of course, proper eating, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress are also important. So, concentrating solely on cardio will not result in the weight loss you want.

Myth 5: No pain, no gain!

I frequently hear this one. This myth is very prevalent since many individuals believe that exercising should hurt. I should first clarify the distinction between discomfort and pain or injury. In the world of fitness, discomfort is the burning, achy sensation that follows a workout and lasts for a few days. Contrarily, pain or hurt is a powerful, intense feeling that is challenging to ignore. Healing takes longer than just a few days. Therefore, it is entirely natural to feel uncomfortable and sore after a vigorous workout; however, if you experience pain while exercising, this is a warning.

fitness myths
Fitness myths you should stop believing. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

If a particular area pains throughout the workout, you should stop at once to avoid further damage. This myth really comes into play when certain individuals fail to distinguish between discomfort and pain, continuing to “push through the agony” in the belief that this is the only way to advance or achieve the desired goals.

Myth 6: Whey Protein can damage the kidneys

You consume a variety of proteins as part of your daily diet and are not concerned with your protein consumption, but when it comes to whey, all of these unfounded assumptions are made. The fact is that any protein ingested in excess can harm the kidneys; and it is not specific to whey.


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However, you should watch how much protein you eat. Protein intake of 0.8-1 gm per kg of body weight is advised. When whey protein is ingested within the prescribed allowance, it should not be harmful. Also, there isn’t any concrete research or data to support its negative effects on the kidneys. Before starting a whey supplementation, people who already have kidney issues or who have a family history of kidney illness are encouraged to speak with a doctor. It is best to buy high-quality whey and adhere to the dosage instructions while maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

Consult: Make sure you consult a doctor before making any changes in your lifestyle.

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About the Author

Nawaz Shaikh is a health and wellness expert, who heads FITX Transformation. ...Read More

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