Staying FitThis throwback post by Kareena Kapoor Khan shows her love for surya namaskar Nikita Bhardwaj
Staying FitAll you need is 10 minutes and these stretching exercises to ease stiff muscles Team Health Shots
Muscle GainThese 9 exercises will tone your arms in a month. P.S. They don’t involve lifting weights Nikita Bhardwaj
Muscle GainNo dumb-bells, no worries. Use these 10 household items for weight training Nikita Bhardwaj
Weight LossGive these exercises 20 minutes daily to get rid of belly fat and build abs Nikita Bhardwaj
Staying FitIt’s time to loosen up with these 10 stretching exercises that promise flexibility Nikita Bhardwaj
Take a PollWhat is your favourite type of exercise for muscle gain?Weightlifting/Resistance trainingBodyweight exercisesHigh-intensity interval training (HIIT)Yoga and stretching
Staying FitWe got fitness experts to share how you can come out of the lockdown fitter and leaner Poulami Kundu
Weight LossShe Slays: Nirupama’s single-minded pursuit of weight loss came at a cost. This is her story Reader Submission