Weight LossIt’s yoga versus cardio for weight loss and we finally know what’s better! Nikita Bhardwaj
Muscle GainRest and recovery are not the same. Here’s why knowing the difference is important Sonakshi Kohli
Weight LossA vitamin D deficiency could be the reason why you’re not losing weight. Here’s how Sonakshi Kohli
Muscle GainLet’s twist! Here’s how you can get a flat belly and toned core with Russian twists Nikita Bhardwaj
Weight LossTrust these 7 yoga asanas to boost your metabolism and speed up weight loss Sonakshi Kohli
Take a PollWhat is your favourite type of exercise for muscle gain?Weightlifting/Resistance trainingBodyweight exercisesHigh-intensity interval training (HIIT)Yoga and stretching
Weight LossIt’s time to try these 5 yoga poses to lose belly fat and strengthen your core Team Health Shots
Staying FitShilpa Shetty just shared her workout for a strong core, so fetch your yoga mat RN! Nikita Bhardwaj