Bollywood’s OG fitness enthusiast Malaika Arora has a new challenge for the internet, and it is a tough one. The star took to Instagram recently to share a video of herself doing a variation of a yoga asana. The exercise will help you work on your core and the whole body.
Malaika, who is dating Arjun Kapoor, often shares pictures and videos of herself doing various yoga asanas on the gram. The star is an avid yoga practitioner and even has a series called Malaika’s Monday Move. This time, she posted a video where she did Rock and Roll with Utkatasana, a variation where one rolls their body backwards on the floor to bring it back into the yoga position.
Malaika posted the reel with the caption, “Are you up for a challenge? Because this #MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek – Rock and Roll with Utkatasana is going to be super fun and challenging! This will be a great workout for your core and whole body.” She also cautioned her followers to be careful if they have “neck or back injury/pain.”
The video begins with Malaika unrolling her body from the ground to bring it in the Utkatasana or the Chair Pose. She then demonstrated how to do the Rock and Roll variation of the pose. Dressed in a grey sports bra and matching shorts, Malaika nailed the difficult routine.
Malaika’s video impressed many netizens, including her friend and the Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives star, Seema Khan. “You insane hot woman,” Seema commented on the post. See some of the other comments:
Utkatasana or the Chair Pose has many benefits for the body and the core. Practising it helps stretch the spine, hips and chest muscles. It strengthens the immune system, torso and lower back, relieves back pain and joint pain, and tones the legs, knee, ankles, and thigh muscles.
So, are you ready to take Malaika’s challenge?
Keep an idea of your risk of weight-related issues.
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