Strength training is an important part of maintaining fitness, and working your shoulders is an integral part of that training. With so many exercises out there, if you’re confused about which shoulder exercises are best for you, we have you covered! From strengthening your upper body to improving functionality to elevating your fitness routine, let’s take a look at some of the best shoulder exercises and why you should do them.
Health Shots got in touch with fitness expert Yash Agarwal to know the best shoulder exercises and the benefits they offer.
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Strengthening the shoulder muscles helps improve stability in the shoulder joint, reducing the risk of injuries.
Strong shoulders can aid in maintaining good posture, preventing rounded shoulders and related issues.
Strong shoulders allow for a wide range of motion, facilitating daily activities like reaching, lifting, and carrying.
Well-conditioned shoulder muscles reduce the likelihood of strains, rotator cuff injuries, and dislocations.
Strong shoulders can help improve athletic performance. Athletes benefit from strong shoulders, as many sports involve overhead movements and throwing.
Shoulder exercises can alleviate pain associated with conditions like rotator cuff tendinitis or frozen shoulder.
Strong shoulders are integral to various upper body exercises, such as bench presses and push-ups.
Everyday tasks like lifting groceries or carrying bags become easier with strong shoulders.
Weight-bearing shoulder exercises can promote bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Here are some scenarios in which people should avoid shoulder exercises or practice caution:
Exercises that worsen shoulder ailments, such as a torn rotator cuff, should be avoided by people with acute or chronic shoulder injuries. You should seek guidance from a healthcare professional before incorporating shoulder exercises into your routine.
Those who have had recent shoulder surgery should avoid shoulder exercises until they receive clearance from their surgeon or physical therapist.
If you experience severe and persistent shoulder pain during any exercise, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.
Individuals with advanced shoulder arthritis should avoid high-impact or heavy resistance exercises that could worsen joint pain.
Those with shoulder joint instability or hyperlaxity (loose ligaments) should avoid exercises that place excessive stress on the joint.
Pregnant women should avoid heavy lifting or shoulder exercises. This is to avoid injuries as their ligaments and joints may be more relaxed during this time.
People who are new to exercise should start with light resistance and focus on maintaining proper posture. Once you ace the basics, you can move on to more challenging shoulder exercises.
People with certain chronic conditions, such as heart disease or high blood pressure, should consult a healthcare professional before engaging in strenuous exercises.
Older adults may need to modify exercises due to reduced bone density and muscle mass. You should consult a fitness professional for guidance.
Those with poor posture may need to address postural issues before engaging in any kind of shoulder exercise to prevent injuries. It is important to maintain proper posture while performing these exercises.
Shoulder overtraining might result in injury. Maintaining good health requires getting enough sleep and recovering from injuries.
A fitness expert should be consulted if you are unable to perform shoulder exercises with the correct form, as you are at risk of getting injured.
Failing to warm up before shoulder exercises can increase the risk of injury. A proper warm-up is essential before these exercises.
Choose a time that fits your daily routine and stick to it consistently to build a routine.
If you’re unsure, consider consulting a fitness trainer or physical therapist who can provide personalized recommendations.
Pay attention to your body’s response. If you feel more energized and flexible at a specific time, that might be the best time for you.
You can perform shoulder exercises in the morning or evening, depending on your preference and schedule.
It’s generally recommended not to do intense shoulder exercises immediately after waking up as your muscles may be stiffer.
Exercising before a meal can help prevent discomfort, as exercising on a full stomach can lead to indigestion.
Try not to do strenuous shoulder exercises too late in the evening as it might affect your ability to sleep.
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