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Korean skincare: Try ‘Slugging’, the newfound secret to get glass skin

If you’re obsessed with the glossy skin of the Korean stars, you need to try slugging to achieve that glass skin look.
glass skin
Here’s how slugging can help your skin glow. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Shifa Khan Updated: 23 Oct 2023, 01:54 pm IST
  • 188

Slugging is the newest K-beauty skincare trend after glass skin. This trend is perfect for those with dry skin and who are battling hydration and moisture issues. It includes wrapping the face with petroleum jelly after the essential skincare regime as the last step in the nighttime routine. Not to forget, adding an extra layer of hydration gives out that glass skin effect with minimal effort.

Dr Nivedita Dadu, a renowned dermatologist, founder, and chairman of Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic spoke to HealthShots about the benefits of slugging and how it can be done at home.

How to do slugging to achieve a glass skin effect?

Slugging is an old technique that has been used for decades to moisturize the skin and heal eczematous or irritated skin. Essentially, for this, petroleum jelly is used as a mask.

Here how to do slugging:

  1. To get on the slugging trend, start with double cleansing the face before the skincare routine.
  2. Now apply your skincare in its correct order.
  3. After completing the beauty regime, apply a thin layer of any petroleum-based balm all over the face.
  4. Let it sit on the skin for 30 minutes before dozing off.
  5. Leave it overnight. Wash it off with the regular cleanser in the morning.
skincare routine
Make sure to double cleanse before slugging your skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Dr Dadu says “Petroleum jelly prevents transepidermal water loss and creates a barrier to prevent water from leaving the skin. As we age, our skin holds less water, so when you bind water in the skin, it creates a hydrated sheen giving that glass skin effect.”

Other than giving a glass skin appearance, what are the benefits of slugging?

1. It’s a boon for people with dry skin

Slugging is best known for the hydration of the skin. It repairs the skin’s natural lipid barrier, thereby preventing moisture loss. When the lipid barrier is strengthened, the overall texture and look of the skin improve drastically giving you that shiny glass skin. While petroleum jelly is not comedogenic. The routine is actually very beneficial for dry skin types.

2. Treats skin problems

Petroleum jelly helps to prevent infection, heal eczema and even as an SOS for pimples. Slugging can be beneficial in preventing cold sores on sensitive skin, especially during the colder months. Slugging has also shown results in managing eczema and other dry skin conditions on both face and body.

acne myths
Slugging not only gives you a glass skin but also heals cuts, acne and wounds. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Heals cuts and wounds

While petroleum jelly is known for soothing the skin and accelerating wound healing, it can also act as a protective barrier on the skin. “Products with petroleum jelly are often used on wounds and cuts to heal them faster, meaning they are safe to use on sensitive, prone, dry skin,” says Dr Dadu.

4. Improve the efficacy of skincare

Slugging locks in your skincare while allowing it the chance to work on your skin without oxidizing. This helps in making the most of your skincare products. Ingredients like ceramides, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid give great results in terms of hydration, suppleness. These ingredients work well to give glass skin when used during slugging.

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ceramides benefits
Once you start slugging, skincare seeps in well determining how your skin looks. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

What are the don’ts of slugging?

  1. Those who are prone to acne breakouts, should avoid slugging as the seal of excessive sebum and oil might further flare up acne.
  2. Avoid products that have retinol, AHAs and BHAs when slugging, as these can clog pores, not allowing the skin to breathe and absorb necessary moisture.
  3. Make sure to not slug more than a couple of times a week. Only opt for the slugging until you have dry skin issue, rash or irritation is alleviated; post which you can move on to your usual routine.
  4. Do not slug during the day. Using occlusive agents for long hours can mess with your skin’s natural inter-cellular lipid production process.
  5. Do not slug on dirty skin as it can lead to acne breakouts. Make sure to use only safe and pure quality petroleum jelly.

  • 188
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About the Author

An aesthete and a skincare junkie, Shifa spends most of her time cooking delish food while wearing a sheet mask. At HealthShots, she creates high-octane content that can leave you all a little intrigued! ...Read More

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