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Use sunscreen, but also keep these tips handy to prevent sunburns

Sunscreen is a must but not enough to prevent sun damage. That's why keep these tips in mind to heal sunburn in order to steer clear of skin troubles.
Woman protecting herself from the sun
Sunlight can lead to migraine! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 17 Apr 2022, 12:17 pm IST
  • 136

It is a warm and sunny day! The summer season comes with common skin woes. A day out in the sun is not only enough to give you sun tan, but it can also give you sunburns. Those who have dealt with sunburns before, know how quickly the sun can damage or burn your skin and how it takes a long period of time to heal. So, it is essential that you know the before and after of how to treat sunburns.

Though mild sunburns will fade within a few days, a major sunburn can lead to other skin issues such as wrinkles, spots or skin dryness. In fact, sometimes no matter how much sunscreen you slather on, you end up with annoying sunburns. Want to know why it happens? Well, because sunscreen is not enough!

Yes, there are certain tips which should also be followed by you in order to prevent or relieve sunburns.

heal sunburn
Sunburn results from sun or sun equivalent exposure. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

That’s why, Health Shots spoke to Dr Noopur Jain, MD Dermatology, and founder and consultant dermatologist at Skinzest, a boutique center for dermatology, aesthetics, and cosmetic surgeries in Gurugram.

Tips to prevent sunburns, suggested by Dr Jain:

1. Don’t go out in the afternoon

You get sunburns when you step into the sun or when your skin is not covered by something and come in direct exposure to the sun. Avoid going out in the middle of the day—from 10 AM to 3 PM, because sun rays are more prominent during that interval and typically the strongest.

2. Wear full sleeves clothes

If you have to be outdoors during that time, prefer wearing clothes with tightly woven fabric to cover the body. They don’t let sun rays penetrate through the cloth. Also, keep in mind that your clothes should be full sleeves.

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3. Wear sunglasses

Do not forget to wear sunglasses if you are going out in the scorching sun. Wearing sunglasses will provide UV protection every time you go out, so leave them at a spot where you can’t miss them on your way out.

heal sunburn
Sunlight can damage your skin, so wear sunglasses also. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Stay in the shade

The most effective way to prevent sunburns is to avoid being in the sun as much as possible. So, prefer being in locations with shade and avoid direct exposure to the sun when possible.

Also, read: Are you sunburnt? Watch out for these signs and symptoms to know

5. Wear a hat

Along with wearing sun-protective things such as clothes and glass, wear a wide-brimmed hat while going out to cover as much skin as possible. The hat will protect your facial skin from exposure to direct sun by giving you shade.

6. Wear sunscreen even when indoors

No matter you’re going out or working from home, you need to apply sunscreen all over your skin to protect it from the various sources of UV rays. In fact, according to Dr Jain, you must apply it every two hours to keep your skin protected.

heal sunburn
Want to reverse your skin woes? Use a sunscreen. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

If you’ve been sunburned, follow these tips for treating sunburns, along with the following tips mentioned above.

Tips to treat sunburns suggested by Dr Jain:

1. Take a shower

Take frequent cool showers but avoid going to saunas and hot tubs and do not take a shower immediately after been in the sun.

Also, read: Slather sunscreen, but also nosh on these 7 foods to avoid tanning this summer

2. Stay hydrated

In order to treat sunburns, it is really important you drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Hydrated skin heals faster.

3. Use hydrating moisturizers

To keep skin soft and glowing and to treat sunburns apply hydrating moisturizers regularly. Hydrating moisturizers like aloe vera or soy on the skin to lock the moisture. Avoid the use of lotions with benzocaine.

heal sunburn
Use a weather-friendly moisturiser. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Chamomile

Chamomile tea is one of the best home remedies you can use to cure sunburns because it helps to soothe the skin. Soak a washcloth in cold chamomile tea. Use it to apply to the burnt areas.

5. Consult with doctor

If you notice any large blisters or experience nausea, chills, headache, fever, and swollen skin, contact your doctor and seek advice immediately.

Note: If your skin will start peeling and itching lightly that means your body is trying to eliminate sun damaged cells. So don’t worry about it.

  • 136
About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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